“Hallelujah,” the minister from Ohio preached into a bullhorn as he stood on the steps to our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021. Then, the 57-year-old crushed a heavy metal barricade into the Capitol Police and shouted “Mission accomplished!” The FBI captured him on Wednesday.
It helped that he was wearing a jacket sporting the name of the business he partnered, Cross Builders LLC in Ohio. The FBI arrested the minister after informal internet detectives sought out Dunfee’s identity and discovered a video of his actions, according to the FBI affidavit.
Members of his church, New Beginnings Ministries Warsaw, also sent in tips to the FBI. There were even posted quotes from the congregation.
A fellow insurrectionist videoed William Dunfee as the minister urged on the others, telling them that they had seized the steps up to the Capitol Building, according to NBC News:
‘This election has been stolen right out from underneath of our noses and it is time for the American people to rise up. Rise up. Rise up. Today is the day in which it is that these elected officials realize that we are no longer playing games. We will stand up for our country. We are standing up for our freedoms. We are standing up for our president. And today is the day these elected officials, these senators and these congressmen, understand that we are not going to allow this to continue any longer.’
After Dunfee shoved the metal obstacles into the officers, the mob poured onward to the Capitol’s east steps. And the minister cried out, chanting:
‘[Legislators] need to fear us…[we are] going to our house. Mister police officers, we want you to understand something. We want you to understand something. We want Donald Trump and if Donald Trump is not coming, we are taking our house. We are taking our house.’
The video continued, showing Dunfee preaching to the angry mob. He called the Democrats “the socialists, the Marxists, the progressives:”
‘We show up January 6th at the Capitol Building, right? To let it be known that we are not going to stand back and let an election be stolen. That we are going to hold our legislators accountable and so on and so forth? And what did that get us? Huh? We are all deemed what? Huh? Bunch of terrorists, right?’
Then, the man of the cloth from Ohio said commended the insurrectionists as “patriots.” He took Donald Trump’s words and directed them to the elected officials to further incite the mob, “you are not stealing this election:”
‘I can tell you, having been there, that we were surrounded by patriots. Many, many, many, many patriots. And I thank God they showed up to just to let it be known that, you know, what the bottom line is this, that you are not stealing this election. You’re not going to rob us, deprive us of a democracy, of a republic, without us being heard.’
A Facebook video appeared with Dunfee trying to enlist others to join him in the revolt:
‘It’s not over. November the 4th through the 6th, we are heading to D.C. Who’s going with us?’
The Ohio minister was charged with “interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder, as well as obstruction of an official proceeding.” He did not enter the Capitol Building.
Featured image is a screenshot. via YouTube.
Christie writes Gloria Christie Reports & Three White Lions Substack newsletters and a Three White Lions podcast available on Apple, Spotify, etc. She is a political journalist for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery (in progress). Find her here on Facebook. Or at Three White Lions her book on Amazon Kindle Vella and the Gloria Christie Three White Lions podcast on Apple, Spotify, etc.