In a new editorial, the Colorado publication The Denver Post asked Coloradans in the district currently represented by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) to vote against her — and for Democratic challenger Adam Frisch, who has a long history as an unaffiliated voter — in this year’s midterms.
The publication’s issues with Boebert include her focus on bombast over substance. She has surely spent a lot of time posting on social media. What about prioritizing the real-world needs of the people in her district? What does ranting on Twitter about Nancy Pelosi do to help them? It’s remarkably basic, but it easily seems missed by those like Boebert. The paper also pointed out Boebert’s welcoming attitude towards the far-right militia movement the Three Percenters, which is among the ideological factions that participated in last year’s Trump-incited Capitol violence. In contrast, Frisch — who polling associated with his campaign has indicated is within single digits — has real-world policy proposals, including support for regulated energy development on public lands.
“Boebert, in contrast, is unable or perhaps unwilling to articulate any policy nuance on the extraction of oil and gas owned by taxpayers from our public lands,” as the Post observed. “She has opposed every effort to protect public lands in the district and failed to disclose in a timely manner that her husband made almost $1 million as a consultant for the largest drilling company in the 3rd Congressional District’s Piceance Basin.” Boebert also remains ensnared in personal controversy, whether that’s her social media comments from the day of the Capitol riot, when she provided an update about the location of the House Speaker, or her restaurant, about which she’s lied. (The establishment recently closed down.) Boebert has claimed for years that a man was beaten to death in 2013 outside the restaurant, but — despite initial confusion — authorities determined the man died of meth use. The death “was declared accidental in September 2013, so Boebert has had more than seven years to get her facts straight,” CNN noted.
“We beg voters in western and southern Colorado not to give Rep. Lauren Boebert their vote,” the Post said. “Boebert has not represented the 3rd Congressional District well. Almost exclusively, she has spent her time and efforts contributing to the toxic political environment in this nation. The good people in this district are not angry and abrasive; they are not hateful and caustic; they do not boast of their own prowess or sling insults as entertainment. The ranchers we know working the Uncompaghre Plateau, the teachers in Durango, the steel mill workers in Pueblo, and the farmers setting down roots in the San Louis Valley keep to themselves, watch their families grow, and pray for better days. Boebert’s unproductive approach, combined with the efforts of others, has helped erode Congress’ ability to honestly debate public policy that could help people in her district.”
“It is not too much to ask that Boebert distance herself from this group instead of making their calls for violence, including against the U.S. government, mainstream,” the publication added this week, discussing the Congresswoman’s affinity for the Three Percenters. “She has refused to address the issue. We grieve that this is who represents our great state in Congress – a state known for our moderate positions and our policy-first approach to politics. Rejecting all Boebert has come to represent – angry rants without offering real solutions — is important for the 3rd Congressional District, Colorado and this great nation. Frisch is a solid candidate who will stand in for the district in an honorable way.”