JUST IN: Trump Panics; Investigators Uncover Shady Wire Transfer 1 Month After Election


Donald Trump reportedly had an affair with a porn star whose stage name is Stormy Daniels. This was when Melania Trump had just given birth to their son Barron Trump. One month before the 2016 presidential elections, Trump reportedly paid Daniels off—but how?

That is what the government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics In Washington (CREW) wants to know. Longtime Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, created a limited liability corporation (LLC) named Essential Consultants in October 2016. That was the way he paid off Daniels, after she agreed to keep mum about the couple’s affair.

CREW flagged one of the Trump campaign reimbursement filings that came close to that exact amount. The campaign moved $130,888.33 in campaign funds to another LLC, Trump Tower Commercial. The filing indicated that the money was reimbursing the LLC for “rent.” Surprisingly, the filing does not indicate what properties the campaign rented for that amount, according to The Wall Street Journal.

There are several coincidences. First, the monetary transaction involved an amount of money moved to Essential Consultants to pay Daniels that was nearly identical to the amount pulled from campaign funds for “rent.” Second, Trump’s attorney paid Daniels via an LLC, and Trump’s campaign used campaign funds to “reimburse” a different Trump LLC.

Third, the transaction to pay off Daniels occurred just one month prior to the election, and the reimbursement for rent transaction occurred just one month after Trump was elected.

Citizens for Ethics sent a tweet that drew attention to the coincidence:

‘President Trump is accused of paying $130,000 in hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels to hide an affair a month before the election. In what is probably just a coincidence, the Trump campaign transferred $130K to the Trump businesses a month after the election.’

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CREW immediately clarified that it was “not alleging anything,” but it was an “interesting FEC payment:”

‘To be clear, we’re not alleging anything nefarious took place. It was, as we said, probably a coincidence. But, as with other interesting FEC payments we flag, it’s an interesting one and one worth asking about.’

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The FEC collection financial information about political campaigns. These include the amount the campaigns raised and spent plus:

‘Filings contain of all the statements, reports, notices that candidates and committees file.’

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Trump met Daniels at a golf tournament. According to POLITICO:

‘The pair’s first sexual encounter in Trump’s Reno, Nevada, hotel room is the only one Daniels discussed in the interview. She detailed other meetings with Trump in which the two did not have sex but did not specifically say whether their sexual activity together had been limited to just the one night.’

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POLITICO reported that after their first time together, Daniels said:

‘Trump called her every 10 days or so and called her by a pet name, “honeybunch.” She said she also had the direct phone numbers for his office line…and his bodyguard.

‘Daniels said Trump would always take her calls, or quickly call her back if he was on the other line or away from a phone… Their phone when she stopped picking up calls from unfamiliar numbers.’

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