BREAKING: Democrats Stun America & Turn Seat Blue After Decades Of GOP Control; Trump Panics


The blue wave continues in state legislative elections on Tuesday, bringing seats flipped from Republican to Democrat during Trump’s 13 months as president to a total of 39.

According to the Daily Beast:

‘The race in House District 120 was a result of a vacancy when former State Rep. Laura Hoydick, a Republican, resigned after becoming mayor of Stratford. It pitted Young against Republican Bill Cabral, both of whom were former Town Council members. In the 2016 presidential election, the district voted for Hillary Clinton by a small margin 49-47, despite the fact that she beat President Trump statewide by nearly 14 points.

‘The Democratic flips tonight add to a string of recent victories for the party in state legislative races. Last week, Democrat Linda Belcher won back her seat in Kentucky’s state House District 49, which had favored Trump by nearly 50 points. It was the 37th legislative flip since Trump’s inauguration and the fourth this year, following a win by Margaret Good in Florida’s 72nd District the previous week. There have been additional flips in Missouri and Wisconsin earlier this year as well.’

The wave of victories have previously included states like Kentucky and Alabama earlier in 2018, and the state of New Hampshire earlier Tuesday night. Democrat Phil Spagnuolo beat out GOP incumbent Les Cartier by a margin of eight points in a district that Trump won by 13 points in 2016.

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