Former VP Joe Biden Discusses Strategy For 2020 Presidential Bid & Trump Is Going Nuts


While 2018 will be focused on flipping seats in Congress and in state governments all over the country, shortly after the November midterms, the new presidential campaigns will begin. While the country is still reeling from the shock of the 2016 elections, the time has come to look forward.

One person already looking forward, and possibly hoping to begin earlier than anyone else, is former Vice President Joe Biden. According to POLITICO, aides working with Biden say that strategy and plans are already being discussed for Biden’s possible 2020 run.

‘On the list: announcing his candidacy either really early or really late in the primary process so that he’d define the field around him or let it define itself before scrambling the field; skipping Iowa and New Hampshire and going straight to South Carolina, where he has always had a strong base of support; announcing a running mate right out of the gate and possibly picking one from outside of politics; and making a pitch that he can be a bridge not just to disaffected Democrats, but to Republicans revolting against President Donald Trump.’

Another possibility, according to aides, would be Biden announcing a one-term run with a vice-presidential running mate who could take the reins in 2024. Biden’s advanced age – he will be 78 by the time the 2020 elections roll around – is expected to hurt his chances, so a shorter-term bid to usher in the next generation of Democrats may be a wiser move.

Biden is currently completing a book tour and a push to stump for 2018 Democratic candidates such as Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania. By focusing his talks on jobs and the economy, Biden hopes to continue being the one Democrat who may sway GOP voters looking for economic change in 2020.

Featured image via Getty/Mark Wilson