‘New Yorker’ Releases Trump Cover That Has Donald Defending His Genitals (IMAGE)


American journalists have allowed Trump to get away with absolutely nothing. As he has worked to demonize and even silence them, promising to pull licenses of outlets who refuse to toe his line and praise him in Fox & Friends fashion, media outlets have only galvanized to expose his weakness and corruption.

Next week’s cover of The New Yorker was previewed early on Twitter, and it’s sure to have President Trump absolutely furious.

2018-03-16-10_28_33-Greenshot 'New Yorker' Releases Trump Cover That Has Donald Defending His Genitals (IMAGE) Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories
Image via Twitter by @NewYorker

Considering recent revelations about Trump’s alleged illicit affair with an adult film star while his wife, Melania, was recovering from the birth of the couple’s son, Barron, the cover is both relevant and shocking.

Many Trump supporters have indicated that they simply do not care whether or not Trump had an affair – those same supporters spent the 2016 presidential election criticizing Bill Clinton for his sexual misconducts and Hillary Clinton’s very personal decision to continue her decades-long marriage – and some of those supporters would be quite hypocritical unless they speak out about Trump’s proclivities. Stephanie Clifford’s (aka Stormy Daniels) allegations of the president’s request to be spanked with a magazine featuring himself and his adult children on the cover are particularly salacious and would raise the outrage flag among evangelicals under a Democratic President Clinton or Obama.

Tony Perkins, an evangelical Christian and president of the well-known evangelical activist group, the Family Research Council, even appeared on POLITICO’s podcast, OffMessage, to say in an interview that he and his fellow moral vanguards of the American Christian movement are willing to give Trump “a mulligan” in relationship to his affair. Anyone thinking that this “mulligan” seems incredibly hypocritical coming from the right considering the Congressional investigation and appointment of Special Counsel Ken Starr when Clinton’s extramarital affair was exposed, debated, and investigated would be correct in questioning the right’s tolerance of such actions now.

However, as more women are reported to be coming forward, one has to wonder where evangelicals and other Trump supporters will draw the line. It seems they will defend him even in light of payments to former mistresses to keep them silent and alleged threats of physical harm should they speak out, acts for which he’ll need legal defense in addition to the public defense by hypocritical evangelical leaders like Perkins.

In a hilarious play on words, the cover’s illustrator, Barry Blitt, said that exposing the president for his affairs was the purpose behind his cover.

‘I wanted to address President Trump’s stormy relationship with the press.’

841638100 'New Yorker' Releases Trump Cover That Has Donald Defending His Genitals (IMAGE) Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories
U.S. President Trump, center, bows his head during a prayer while surrounded by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, right, faith leaders and evangelical ministers after signing a proclamation declaring a day of prayer in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Friday, Sept. 1, 2017. Trump declared Sunday, September 3 a national day of prayer for Hurricane Harvey victims. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Featured image via Getty/MANDEL NGAN