Mitch McConnell Hit By Angry Protesters During Tuesday Night Dinner Attempt


Republicans are really hurt that people are protesting policies that hurt children. They can’t even eat a restaurant, enjoy movies with their own families, or even stroll casually to a building because people are upset that they put human beings, including small children, in cages.

Rep. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his wife, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, attended a dinner with business executives at Georgetown University and were met by protesters upon leaving together. The Congressman and his wife faced a barrage of questions about the family separation policy that led to the detainment of thousands of migrant children separated from their families.

Chao can be seen responding angrily, demanding that protesters “leave my husband alone!” Of course, demands and anger didn’t work so well for the parents whose babies were ripped from their arms.

In fact, while Chao displayed her outrage at being hassled by protesters, a young migrant boy howls for his mother while placed in foster care. A vulnerable 10-year-old girl with Down Syndrome has been separated from her family and detained. Children who say they were given drugs and assaulted now deal with the traumatic aftermath of that while the facility they reported still operates.

It’s really difficult at this point to feel sympathy for the plight of Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao, or Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or Kirtjen Nielson, or Stephen Miller. All of them went home safely after feeling the consequences of supporting child abuse. None of them had to spend a moment without the security of knowing exactly where their children were and that they were being treated well.

Republicans, and even some Democrats, have demanded “civility” for people in the Trump administration following their attempts to justify the abuse of thousands of children. They’re finding that many feel that they don’t serve anymore sympathy than they’ve shown to migrant children and families.

See the full encounter below:

Featured image screengrab via YouTube