Ronald Reagan’s Daughter Writes Anti-Trump Article For WaPost & It’s Fantastic


Patti Davis, daughter of late President Ronald Reagan, in a new column for the Washington Post, writes that her father would have been completely shocked by Trump’s treatment of the free press.

‘The verbal sparring between my father and Sam Donaldson of ABC, or Helen Thomas of UPI, is well documented. But there was never vitriol, there was never name-calling, and if anyone had attacked a journalist, my father would have been the first to stand in the way.’

Davis continues:

‘I’ve tried to imagine what my father would have done if people attending a political speech of his had turned to the press and raised their middle fingers, hurled obscenities or physically menaced the reporters who were there doing their jobs. I found it difficult to conjure the image, and then I realized why. It simply wouldn’t have happened. The person on the podium, the person everyone has gathered to see, sets the tone.’

The former first daughter went on to say that Trump “has quite successfully set today’s tone” adding that:

‘He expertly stirred up the anger that was already simmering in the people who support him, and then he lit a match to it. He gave them an enemy — always a useful tactic.’

Trump is famous for kicking reporters out of his press conferences, and CNN seems to receive the majority of his wrath.

He has also banned reporters from his speeches for asking questions he deems “inappropriate.”

Last year he took his war on the press to a whole new level when he threatened the network license of NBC News over a report, stating that it was disgusting that the “press can write whatever it wants to write.”

Ronald Reagan’s daughter has never been shy in voicing her opinions about our so-called “president,” and her column in the Post is not the first time she has mentioned her father and what he would have thought of Trump. Back in June, she wrote an op-ed in which she stated that her father would be “appalled” by Trump’s presidency.

‘He would be appalled and heartbroken at a Congress that refuses to stand up to a president who not only seems ignorant of the Constitution but who also attempts at every turn to dismantle and mock our system of checks and balances.’

She also spoke out about what she thought her father would think about Trump’s horrific treatment of immigrants at the borders.

‘There is a difference between immigration laws and cruelty. He believed in laws; he hated cruelty.’

Trump has often said Ronald Reagan was his favorite president, even tweeting pictures of himself with Reagan.

Based on what Reagan’s daughter has said — it doesn’t sound like Trump’s feelings would have been reciprocated.

Towards the end of her column, Davis pointed out that “naming the press as the enemy has precedents: Many tyrants have employed it to their advantage. Trump may not read much, but I’ll bet he knows that.”

She makes a good point.

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