Post McCain Death Trump Approval Polls Released; Republicans Are In BIG Trouble


If Americans were to believe Donald Trump, and no one with any sense does, his poll numbers are just fantastic. He’s the most popular president who has ever lived, even above Abe Lincoln because there were polls in the early 1800s, and everyone is thrilled with his performance in the White House.

None of that is true, and a new poll by ABC News/The Washington Post proves it.

Trump’s disapproval rating, in fact, is reaching all new highs at 60 percent. His approval rating in the new poll, conducted immediately following the trial of Paul Manafort and the guilty pleas implicating the president by his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, now stands at 36 percent.

The news couldn’t come at a more precarious time for Trump and the Republican Party.

‘At the dawn of the fall campaign sprint to the midterm elections, which will determine whether Democrats retake control of Congress, the poll finds a majority of the public has turned against Trump and is on guard against his efforts to influence the Justice Department and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s wide-ranging probe.’

Even more shocking than his disapproval rating is the fast-rising percentage of people who are ready to see this presidency cut short. The question of impeachment is gaining support at a rapid pace with almost half of all Americans supporting the proceedings.

‘Nearly half of Americans, 49 percent, say Congress should begin impeachment proceedings that could lead to Trump being removed from office, while 46 percent say Congress should not.’

Trump loves to brag that he is popular among people of color, saying that he is a popular candidate among black and Latino voters and has been a great representative for them. The polls, however, firmly disagree.

‘Trump’s overall popularity breaks down along lines of partisanship, ethnicity and gender, according to the poll. While 78 percent of Republicans approve of his performance, 93 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of independents disapprove. More men support him than women, and while 45 percent of whites back him, 19 percent of nonwhites approve.’

What’s worse for Trump is that his endless tweets attempting to discredit the Mueller probe are not working. Less than a third of voters are buying it.

’63 percent of Americans support Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, with 52 percent saying they support it strongly; 29 percent oppose the probe.’

Voter are even fairly sure they know what exact charge Trump should be impeached over. More than half of all Americans say that the president has obstructed or tried to obstruct justice in the Mueller probe.

Screenshot-at-Aug-31-09-01-03 Post McCain Death Trump Approval Polls Released; Republicans Are In BIG Trouble Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories
Image via The Washington Post

Trump’s ego will never be able to handle the news.

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