Devin Nunes Stunned; 2018 Re-Election Chances Take Major Blow (DETAIL)


Being Donald Trump’s handmaiden has its disadvantages. Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) has risked his reputation and career for his president. He seems to forget that while POTUS demands blinding loyalty, it has never been returned. Now, Nunes’ hometown newspaper has shown its representative how detrimental Trump loyalty can be.

The Fresno Bee took an unusual step. It threw its full, substantial weight behind Nunes’ competitor.

The newspaper endorsed Andrew Janz, a Democrat. It said that Janz would offer the best opportunity for creating bipartisanship, “the only answer to the poison of gridlock:”

‘Instead, The Bee recommends Andrew Janz, the Democrat who offers the best chance to both lead the district by attending to its issues and then by striving for bipartisanship in Washington, D.C., which is the only answer to the poison of gridlock politics that is stifling debate and action at nearly all levels.’

Screen-Shot-2018-10-08-at-7.46.29-AM Devin Nunes Stunned; 2018 Re-Election Chances Take Major Blow (DETAIL) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2018 Politics Top Stories

Apparently, Nunes slammed his hometown paper, saying Janz had a “leftist, liberal, socialist” agenda. This occurred even after The Bee’s Editorial Board invited the sitting representative in for an interview — twice. Conversely, Janz accepted the invitation.

The Bee said that Janz, who is a 34-year-old moderate Democrat, spurned party support:

‘While that may seem a negative, it actually is a positive. Janz can act with a degree of independence from party politics and do what he thinks is best for the 22nd District.’

It seems, Janz supports an earned right to citizenship, not amnesty:

‘He wants to work out the details for a work visa program as well, which would supply badly needed labor to agriculture and other industries. When it comes to a wall, he says such a structure “is a giant waste of money” because it would not deter undocumented people from finding other ways to get into California. As he notes, drug and human trafficking already occur through the border’s regular checkpoints. Rather, he supports employing technology to beef up border security — drones, satellite surveillance, infrared imaging.’

Screen-Shot-2018-10-08-at-7.45.59-AM Devin Nunes Stunned; 2018 Re-Election Chances Take Major Blow (DETAIL) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2018 Politics Top Stories

The Democrat is a gun owner, too:

‘When it comes to gun control, Janz understands what it is to be a gun owner, as he is one. Janz is also a deputy district attorney who knows residents, especially those living in the farm and ranch country of the 22nd District, need to have a weapon for protection from wild animals, burglars and worse. Janz believes that people who have no convictions for violent crime should be able to arm themselves.’

Janz’s resume includes being a deputy district attorney. The Bee liked that, especially his “willingness to help the little guy:”

‘As a prosecutor, Janz knows firsthand the impacts of crime on victims. That is also why he has a willingness to help the little guy. For example, Janz wants every American to have access to quality health care. How to make that happen? Janz is open to all ideas, especially town-hall meetings in the district to hear what his constituents think. One thing he says is non-negotiable: Pre-existing conditions must be covered.’

Then, The Bee contrasted Nunes:

(He) voted along party lines in approving the House version of the American Health Care Act of 2017. It would have shrunk Medicaid by 15 million enrollees nationwide by 2026. Medicaid is the government program that covers low-income children, adults, seniors and people with disabilities, aiding one in five Americans. In Nunes’ district, 313,000 people were enrolled in Medi-Cal as of January. Of those, 74,000 would have immediately lost coverage, and all would have had their coverage impacted through loss of benefits or access to doctors. (Medi-Cal is California’s version of Medicaid).’

Screen-Shot-2018-10-08-at-7.46.14-AM Devin Nunes Stunned; 2018 Re-Election Chances Take Major Blow (DETAIL) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2018 Politics Top Stories

The candidate lives his motto, “Being accessible and accountable:”

‘There is also a simple idea that Janz has hitched much of his appeal to: Being accessible and accountable. Nunes has completely avoided town-hall meetings in Visalia, Clovis or Fresno so voters could hear him and ask questions. Janz promises to hold at least four town hall meetings a year and have mobile office hours.’

In a state where water has been very precious:

‘Janz wants to work across the aisle to accomplish things like developing a new source of water for Valley farms. Nunes has done much to elevate the water discussion during his tenure, but he has also alienated Democratic representatives with his never-ending name-calling of environmentalists as leftists, socialists, even Communists. With no ground left for compromise, little has been accomplished. Janz will have a better chance of dealing with Democrat peers from elsewhere in the state on the water issue. Nothing will happen without compromise.’

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.