Trump Erupts Into Unhinged 4-Tweet Morning Attack On His Enemies Like A Whacko


In a series of morning tweets that history may be able to use as the perfect portrait of what the presidency of Donald Trump has been like, Trump bragged and quoted a Washington Post reporter who said that he’s quite honest using one particular measure  and then tweeted completely contradictory statements before complaining that he’s always being taken out of context.

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The Washington Post reporter can say and believe what he likes, but there is no measure by which Trump is in any way honest, not even in campaign promises. If that were true, the ACA would have been repealed “on day one” and replaced with a universal health care bill that covered every American, Mexico would have already paid for that border wall, and economists wouldn’t be predicting a coming recession.

Of course, Trump skipped right over some of Theissen’s quote, like “don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time.” Even if Trump really had kept all his campaign promises, his daily lies undermine the trust of the people in the president and in the government. All his lies matter.

The tweets Trump followed his “look how honest I am” tweet were a huge contradiction to his earlier statements about Ted Cruz, which means he either lied then or he’s lying now. Trump has blasted Cruz, nicknamed him “lyin’ Ted,” said he’s done nothing for Texas, called his wife ugly and his father a co-conspirator in the death of JFK, and now wants to pretend that Cruz is his good friend and a great senator.

Sure, Trump is all about the honesty. Only his supporters are gullible enough to buy that.

Twitter sure wasn’t buying it. Read some of their comments below:

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