Trump Holds Sunday Rally & It Becomes Horrible PR Disaster For GOP (VIDEO)


Ahead of the midterms this week, President Donald Trump continues to dig into his long held to positions, hoping that he can ride the same nonsense he built his presidential campaign on to a victory for his political party. One of his latest campaign stops unfolded in Georgia this Sunday, where he spoke at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport dragging out some of his familiar garbage lines and throwing them at a metaphorical wall, hoping they’ll stick.

The whole debacle was meant to prop up Republican Brian Kemp’s gubernatorial candidacy; he’s hoping to keep Democrat Stacey Abrams out.

Despite his past trouble for adopting similar arguments, Sunday, Trump yet again touted his rally crowds as supposedly much bigger than those former President Barack Obama has spoken to ahead of the midterms — because that matters to him, apparently. While the nation grapples with grave issues of human rights, immigration, health care, and beyond, the president prefers to stand before his screaming fans and brag about how many of them there are.

In Georgia Sunday, the crowd hinged on many of the same features that we’ve come to expect from the Trump base. Basically two years after the election she lost, the crowd belted out a “Lock Her Up” chant after Trump mentioned “Crooked Hillary.” Again, it’s been two years.

It’s hardly the only repugnant point of his remarks. He used a story of a relatively unknown woman who took credit for sexual abuse allegations against his U.S. Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh but recanted to attempt to discredit the more clearly credible accusers.

He asked — after yet another “Lock Her Up” chant:

‘By the way — what about the other ones? How about the other ones, folks? You’ll see others now.’

His crowd really likes chants.

Not long after one of his fans took his messaging to heart and mailed bombs to prominent interests including CNN, his crowd belted out a “CNN sucks!” chant, something that pops up time and time again at his rallies. This time, it came after he complained of supposed criticism for “a little bit of a mispronunciation of a word.” The president fans the flames with his incessant claims that the bulk of the mainstream media is the “enemy of the people.”

Trump thrives on the nonsense. Before the Georgia crowd on Sunday, he paraded himself as their messiah, claiming, among other things, that the great things he’s doing as president got a man to cry who cries so infrequently he might not even have cried as a baby — as if anyone outside his core base would take that story remotely seriously.

Screenshot-2018-11-04-at-4.58.08-PM Trump Holds Sunday Rally & It Becomes Horrible PR Disaster For GOP (VIDEO) Donald Trump Election 2018 Politics Top Stories Screenshot-2018-11-04-at-4.58.34-PM Trump Holds Sunday Rally & It Becomes Horrible PR Disaster For GOP (VIDEO) Donald Trump Election 2018 Politics Top Stories

How seriously vast majorities of people take him doesn’t seem to matter to Trump, though, as he continues to bolster lie after lie in his attempt to prop up his party.

Sunday, for instance, reporter Daniel Dale shared that Trump spouted off “his usual egregious rapid-fire lies about Democrats, saying they want to “totally erase America’s borders” and take away people’s health care.”

Tuesday, voters have the opportunity to make a choice to put a partial stop to this freewheeling nonsense.

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