Baby Trump Balloon Follows Donald To Paris – Protesters Use It To Mock Him


Donald Trump was true to form during his trip to France to mark the 100-year anniversary of the end of World War One. He arrived late. He skipped a trip to honor buried Americans, because it was raining. The expression on his face was often that of a petulant child. No wonder this showed up to mock him.

An inflatable balloon depicting President Trump as a baby floated above the streets of Paris to protest the president during his visit. It appeared, Trump did not relish going to France. After all, the French president Emmanuel Macron did not even throw him a parade.

Even French members of their porn industry told him he was not welcome and to go home.

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One protester said, CNN reports:

‘I think Paris should be protesting not only Trump’s presence here, but also should be trying to send a message to President Macron for having invited him here, especially on the anniversary of the signing of the armistice.’

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The balloon made its entrance in London, when Trump went there on a formal visit to meet Queen Elizabeth and conduct state business. After that, it has followed the U.S. president around the world.

The balloon is 20-feet tall and started out in the U.K. where Leo Murray designed it for the protesters, according to It carries a cell phone and wears a diaper. Almost 100,000 protesters came to central London to accompany the balloon.

One of the organizers of the balloon in motion, Matthew Bonner, said this about the U.S. president:

‘Depicting Trump as a baby is a great way of targeting his fragile ego, and mocking him is our main motivation. He doesn’t seem to be affected by the moral outrage that comes from his behavior and his policies. You can’t reason with him, but you can ridicule him.”

POTUS definitely felt unwelcome when he came to London. The city’s mayor, Sadiq Khan is the one who agreed to let the protesters fly the Baby Trump balloon. The man currently sitting in the Oval Office said:

‘I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London. I think he has not been hospitable to a government that is very important.’

Baby Trump made its way across the Atlantic Ocean via a GoFundMe account. Since then, it has shown up in Chicago, New Jersey, and any other city where protesters wanted to make a statement.

While in France, Trump gave a speech at the Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial where thousands of Americans who died in WWI were buried. After that. he was eager to head back to the U.S.A. Trump said in his prepared speech:

‘The American and French patriots of World War I embody the timeless virtues of our two republics. Honor and courage. Strength and valor. Love and loyalty, grace and glory. It is our duty to preserve the civilization they defended and to protect the peace they so nobly gave their lives to secure one century ago.’

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.