The Man Who Tried To Lock Hillary Up Is Now Coming For Trump’s Precious Ivanka


On Monday, The Washington Post, released a report that detailed hundreds of emails that Ivanka Trump sent from her own personal account that appear to show her conducting government business. These emails were sent mainly to Ivanka’s personal assistant, White House aides, and Cabinet officials.

This report came as a shock, because as we all know, Ivanka’s own father still carries on about “Crooked Hillary” and “her emails” to this day, and so do all of the people who attend Trump’s “I’m the President and you’re not” rallies that he throws several times a month. Hardly a rally goes by where we don’t hear clips of people chanting “LOCK HER UP!!” with regard to Hillary Clinton.

When it comes to his daughter, of course, Donald Trump will say that any negative story is “fake news,” which he did today in response to The Post’s report. As also you might expect, he brought up Hillary’s emails.


But no matter what lies our so-called “president” decides to tell the press, Ivanka may really be in some hot water. The man who tried so hard to lock Hillary up, may now be coming for Trump’s precious daughter, as just today Republican S.C. Rep. Trey Gowdy, requested information regarding Ivanka’s email usage.

According to The Hill:

‘Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) sent a letter to the White House Tuesday asking for information on Ivanka Trump‘s usage of her personal email to discuss government business.

‘Gowdy, chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, requested that White House chief of staff John Kelly provide information on the basis that using that email “implicate[s] the Presidential Records Act and other security and recordkeeping requirements.”‘

The letter from Gowdy also set a December 5th deadline for a response to his request and asked that his committee is kept in the loop on any other investigations into WH internal record keeping, as well as any findings specifically dealing with Ivanka’s email usage.

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