Racist GOP Rep Busted Sending Her Kids To Whites Only School Like A Nazi


The Senate candidate from Mississippi, Cindy Hyde-Smith, can’t seem to hide her racist past regardless of any half-baked apologies she might make. After talking publicly about her willingness to attend “public hangings,” and then insisting that it was just a “figure of speech” and that she is not at all racist, new information has come to light to challenge that statement.

Hyde-Smith transferred high schools in 1977 to attend Lawrence County Academy, an all-white school set up to help white parents avoid sending their children to desegregated schools with black students. What’s more, she later sent her own daughter to a similar school.

According to the Jackson Free Press:

‘Fifteen years after school integration become the law of the land, the Supreme Court ordered the immediate desegregation of public schools in 1969, and Mississippi Gov. John Bell Williams ordered that public schools integrate when students returned from Christmas break in early 1970. “So let us accept the inevitable that we are going to suffer one way or the other, both white and black, as a result of the court’s decree,” he said at the time.

‘It is no coincidence that the academy Hyde-Smith attended opened the very year after the highest court’s ultimatum, as did others around the state. The day he announced his compliance, Williams made it a priority to focus on private schools as an alternative for white students whose parents were not keen on their children sharing classrooms with black children. The Legislature even approved private-school vouchers for white families to offset the costs of sending their kids to whites-only private schools.’

Photos of Hyde-Smith’s cheerleading days have also surfaced and shows the squad posed in front of the school’s mascot, a Confederate soldier holding a Confederate flag.

One former Mississippi Democratic Party chairman named Rickey Cole said that students sent to those schools were well aware of why their parents chose them.

‘When the public schools in Mississippi were ordered desegregated, many thousands of white families cobbled together what they could laughingly call a school to send their children to for no other reason except they didn’t want them to be around n-words or to be treated or behave as equal to black people.’

This new information is just more proof of Hyde-Smith’s racist past. Her opponent, incumbent Mike Espy, is a black man. The special election where the two will square off will be held on Tuesday, November 27.

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