Michael Cohen Reveals The Truth About Trump’s Pardon Talk & It’s Bad


This week, Trump’s longtime attorney and “fixer,” Michael Cohen, shocked the world when he turned on his boss and finally spilled the beans as to what Trump’s involvement with Russia really was during the 2016 presidential election and for at least a year after. In case you missed the news, here’s a brief summary of what happened.


Our Liar-in-Chief, of course, denied any wrongdoing and instead placed the blame on Cohen calling him a “very weak person” and he also stated that Cohen was lying in order to receive a shorter sentence.

No doubt Trump’s cult-like following bought every word of that, but in reality, Cohen faces a pretty long and uncomfortable sentence no matter what he tells Mueller and his life as he knows it is now over. He really has nothing to gain here other than a clean conscience, and perhaps a little revenge — the breaking news that came out tonight may explain some of that.

Tonight, CNN reported that Michael Cohen kept Trump’s secrets and lied for him because he was under the impression that Trump would pardon him.

Indeed, one source told CNN that after visiting Trump at Mar-a-Lago this past March, Cohen came away from that meeting believing that Trump would protect him from any charges or indictments he might face regarding payments made to Stormy Daniels on the Sexual Predator-in-Chief’s behalf.

CNN also reported:

‘Another source said that after the April 2018 FBI raid on Cohen’s office and home, people close to the President assured Cohen that Trump would take care of him. And Cohen believed that meant that the President would offer him a pardon if he stayed on message. It is unclear who specifically reached out to Cohen.’

Cohen’s lawyers could not be reached for comment, but it’s interesting to look back on how the so-called “president” initially behaved toward Cohen after the raid on his home and office. Trump was very supportive of Cohen, even saying that he was a “good man” and called the raids “a disgraceful situation.” Trump’s own tweets even suggested that he would pardon Cohen.

PardonMe Michael Cohen Reveals The Truth About Trump's Pardon Talk & It's Bad Donald Trump Election 2016 Featured Mueller Russia Top Stories

And there were other indicators as well.

Inevitably though, Trump started distancing himself from his “fixer,” and that gave Cohen the opportunity to clear his conscience.

Cohen has spent more than 70 hours with Special Counsel Mueller, so you can probably bet that more information will come out about Trump in the upcoming days. I, for one, can’t wait for the fallout!

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