Mueller Pulls Legal Show-Stopper & Trump Is Fully Flipping Out Like A Goon


If there was any indication available to the public that the alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russian government operatives actually took place, Roger Stone was the originating source. As a result of multiple text messages and other indications that Stone was coordinating the cyberattack that led to the hacking of the DNC email server and its subsequent Wikileaks release, Stone has become a focus of the Mueller investigation.

The Washington Post reports that:

‘Stone, who has advised Trump on and off for decades and was in contact with the candidate during the 2016 campaign, has been a focus of the special counsel as Mueller probes whether the Trump campaign had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s release of Democratic emails allegedly hacked by Russian operatives.’

The news indicates that Mueller is close to bringing charges against Stone for his actions during the 2016 elections. Requesting that transcript is a last detail that prosecutors need before bringing charges.

 ‘Securing an official transcript from the committee would be a necessary step before pursuing an indictment that Stone allegedly lied to lawmakers, legal experts said.

‘The special counsel could use the threat of a false-statement charge to seek cooperation from Stone, as Mueller has done with other Trump advisers, such as former national security adviser Michael Flynn and longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.’

Stone, who is known to have said that his rule is to “deny everything,” seems to already have his defense ready to go. Apparently, he plans to say that if he lied, he didn’t know he was lying.

‘In an interview Wednesday, Stone said he had not been notified of Mueller’s request. But he said he is confident that the transcript of his testimony will not provide the special counsel with grounds to charge him. [Stone said that] “I don’t think any reasonable attorney who looks at it would conclude that I committed perjury, which requires intent and materiality.”‘

That claim is unlikely to sway Mueller. As former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirchner explained, the move almost definitely indicates that charges are coming for Roger Stone in the Mueller probe.

‘That suggests prosecutors are getting ready to bring a charge. Prosecutors can’t bring a charge without an original certified copy of the transcript that shows the witness lied.’

Stone is a long-time friend and adviser to Trump, and it seems that if the president wants to visit his friends, he’ll be spending a lot of time in jails and prisons. Of course, he could also just join them.

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