House Dem. Mocks Trump Over Use Of Memes Like A 12-Year Old


President Donald Trump doesn’t seem to take any of this seriously. He is committed to his political ploys to the point of letting hundreds of thousands of government workers face indefinite periods without pay — and he’s still using memes to support his policies along that front. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is among those who have had enough, firing back this weekend and demanding Trump stop with the inane posts and get to work re-opening the federal government.

He snapped:

‘Enough with the memes. Just quit hurting innocent people and re-open the government.’

The Senator was replying to a grossly egotistical post branding the border wall Trump has long sought as a Game of Thrones style project. Ironically enough, the major wall in that popular show didn’t work and was eventually destroyed.

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It’s not the first time the show’s branding has made an appearance in the president’s messaging. He’s previously circulated an image of himself with the tagline “Sanctions Are Coming,” playing off the show’s phrase “Winter Is Coming.” Trump has imposed tough sanctions on Iran that were originally suspended thanks to the deal struck with the country for them to halt their nuclear production. A poster size version of Trump’s “Sanctions Are Coming” image sat on the table at a recent Trump Cabinet meeting, although White House officials apparently couldn’t explain why.

The petty messaging comes as Trump continues to refuse to approve any government funding if he doesn’t get the billions of dollars he wants to construct a border wall blocking off Mexico. That ongoing government shutdown — now entering its third week — puts most every other policy concern indefinitely on the back burner. In addition to the hundreds of thousands of government workers indefinitely without pay, key government services are vulnerable including tax refunds and food stamps as utilized by millions of Americans.

Trump has repeatedly insisted without evidence that the affected government workers would support his aims for a border wall above their personal financial considerations if asked. In reality, while the Trump administration continues to make up crises, American are suffering.

Overall, undocumented border crossings are down over the last few decades, and it’s ludicrous to suggest that because an occasional undocumented immigrant commits a heinous crime, all of them should be feared. It’s not like the Trump administration suggests detainment camps for white men after every mass shooting one perpetrates. Besides, the crime that is associated with immigrant populations through means like the MS-13 gang grows in the United States, where the gang was founded and recruits many of its members.

There remains no evidence of any sort of terror activity threatening the southern border, either, despite the Trump administration’s repeated claims otherwise. They’ve backed themselves into a corner and are now just continuing to offer lie after lie to cover themselves — but it’s not working.

Trump met with Congressional Democrats as recently as this past Friday to discuss options to re-open the shutdown — but he wasn’t exactly open to suggestions and eventually asserted he’d be open to both having the shutdown lag on for years and declaring a national emergency to utilize executive power to build the wall.

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