Trump Makes Dopey 2020 Campaign Announcement On Twitter


As the federal government continues to deal with the partial shutdown President Donald Trump has forced over his demands for border wall funding, many — including him — are looking ahead to the 2020 elections. This Monday morning, as hundreds of thousands of government workers remained indefinitely unable to cover their basic expenses thanks to him refusing to approve any further funding without getting what he wants — the president engaged in some political showmanship, because that’s all the White House is about these days, apparently.

He whined on Twitter to the world:

‘Democrats campaigned on working within Washington and “getting things done!” How is that working out? #2020TAKEBACKTHEHOUSE’

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The implication here, as the president has put forward before, is that Democratic obstructionism is responsible for the ongoing shutdown. He has thereby turned a very real issue in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans and counting into a campaign issue. In reality, he’s the one who has refused to approve any spending legislation if it doesn’t include over $5 billion for a wall that the criminals he’s so concerned about — where they actually exist — can just go around. House Democrats have put forward eight spending bills and counting, all of which their Republican colleagues in government including the president have refused to take up.

The difference is stark between how seriously Democrats take the issue and how not seriously Republican leadership seems to be concerned about the now longest government shutdown in American history.

Trump just keeps touting his greatness, like that he has supposedly found a “magic wand” to restore American manufacturing despite the very real burden of issues like his tariffs.

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Down in reality, Democratic leaders have been among those to share stories of the government workers facing issues like no food and losing their homes because Trump won’t approve their pay.

In an ideal world, letting hundreds of thousands of people have their hard-earned money shouldn’t be a partisan issue — yet, here we are. Trump is on the exact opposite side of the issue from where he claims to be, no matter how many federal workers who may or may not actually exist he claims stand with him in his relentless push for a border wall.

Check out Twitter’s response to Trump’s Twitter ranting below…

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