Billionaire Announces Massive Power Play To Get Trump Impeached


As Americans live with the shock of Trump’s endless presidential scandals, calls for his impeachment are only growing louder. News about his campaign’s knowledge of the DNC and Podesta emails, the products of a hostile foreign government’s cyberattacks against our country, as well as Trump’s willingness to hold the American people hostage to get his way, will only increase those calls.

In response, California businessman and Trump detractor Tom Steyer, the organizer of the Need to Impeach Movement, announced a summit in D.C. to organize efforts to convince Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. The announcement was made on Steyer’s website,, and supporters were alerted by email.

‘Need to Impeach Founder Tom Steyer is bringing the call for Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings to Washington, D.C. where he will host a two-day summit Jan. 28-29 to provide about 300 participants with the tools they need to pressure their representatives to remove Donald Trump from power.’

Polls show that more than of Americans say that they believed Trump should be impeached, and Steyer believes that the voice of the people should have power. His summit is intended to motivate those people to take action.


‘The event includes a daylong strategy session to grow the grassroots army, a town hall about the state of the union under Trump, and concludes with participants hand delivering Articles of Impeachment, drafted by summit co-sponsors Free Speech For People, to their representatives with the message: “protect our country and impeach Donald Trump.”’

It isn’t enough for members of Congress to acknowledge the very real threat Trump poses to our country, although many of our lawmakers haven’t even been able to do even that much yet. It’s time for those lawmakers to do their jobs and show the American people that we still believe no one is above the law.

‘”Donald Trump is our nation’s crisis, and it will only get worse the longer he stays in office,” said Steyer, whose group includes more than 7 million supporters nationwide. “Leaders across party lines are finally understanding the danger his recklessness and lawlessness pose for our democracy, and now they must hold him accountable. Failing to act is unacceptable.”‘

The announcement laid out its learning objectives and laid out some of the many reasons they believe Trump should be impeached.

‘Learn about the impeachment process and the 10 legal grounds for impeachment proceedings against Trump, including imprisoning children in internment camps and obstruction of justice by firing and threatening to fire senior Justice Department officials and other actions to interfere with the Russia investigation.’

Steyer has been on a campaign to get Trump impeached for over a year, and his efforts don’t include just websites and emails and talk. He’s put his money where his mouth is, and people are listening.

‘Earlier this month, Steyer committed $40 million in 2019 toward impeaching Trump, which includes a comprehensive public education initiative, town halls across the country, and mobilizing millions of new supporters to continue pushing their representatives to support impeachment. These efforts will have an emphasis on supporters in House districts held by Reps. Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Richard Neal, Jerrold Nadler, and Elijah Cummings, who chair key committees responsible for oversight and investigations into Mr. Trump’s corrupt activities, and in states with Republican Senators up for re-election in 2020.’

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