Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES)


Roger Stone and Donald Trump have been friends for 40 years. The two talked in the middle of the night with the president-elect using the phones of members of his campaign to make the calls. Trump claims that Stone was not paid, but then again neither is the president’s television attorney and former New York mayor, Rudy Guiliani. Even, POTUS’s campaign chair Paul Manafort sold Trump out.

The commander-in-chief tweeted that his old friend “didn’t even work for me:”

‘CBS reports that in the Roger Stone indictment, data was “released during the 2016 Election to damage Hillary Clinton.” Oh really! What about the Fake and Unverified “Dossier,” a total phony conjob, that was paid for by Crooked Hillary to damage me and the Trump Campaign? What…’

‘….about all of the one sided Fake Media coverage (collusion with Crooked H?) that I had to endure during my very successful presidential campaign. What about the now revealed bias by Facebook and many others. Roger Stone didn’t even work for me anywhere near the Election!’

Screen-Shot-2019-01-27-at-7.13.09-AM Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2016 Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-01-27-at-7.14.04-AM Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2016 Politics Top Stories

Perhaps, the president was not so much concerned about his old friend as he was about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian probe closing in on himself after Stone’s seven indictments.

Talking Points Memo (TPM) reported on a documentary Get Roger Stone where Manafort talks about Stone. The former campaign manager told a Netflix film crew while the 2016 presidential campaign was in full bloom:

‘Roger’s relationship with Trump has been so interconnected that it’s hard to define what’s Roger and what’s Donald.’

Screen-Shot-2019-01-27-at-7.13.49-AM Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2016 Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-01-27-at-7.14.22-AM Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2016 Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2019-01-27-at-7.13.23-AM Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2016 Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-01-27-at-7.13.38-AM Trump Snaps & Erupts Into Multi-Tweet Paranoid Weekend Meltdown (IMAGES) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2016 Politics Top Stories

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.