GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over


Almost without a sound, people have begun leaving the Republican party. MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace worked for President George W. Bush and now has her own political show. She walked away from her party. Conservative commentator George Will has been a Republican for quite a few decades — no more. What started as a drip, drip, drip became a steady stream. Soon, Republicans will cut the ropes of the Trump party and join a flood moving toward the Democrats.

Iowa’s Brian Krassenstein has been an editor at with his own podcast. He has broken the news that Iowa State Representative Andy McKean’s, 69, has defected from the Republican party:

‘BREAKING: Iowa State Rep. Andy McKean has just announced that he is defecting to the Democratic Party. Anyone else who is for the Rule of Law, the wellbeing of the entire population, instead of just rich, white, men, and who want to stand up to racism and bigotry, WELCOME OVER!’

Screen-Shot-2019-04-23-at-4.00.10-PM GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

The longtime Republican has made the monumental decision to leave his party to vote with the Democrats. He blamed Donald Trump.

At McKean’s surprise press conference in Des Moines at the State Capitol building, the lawmaker claimed that Trump has been setting a bad example for the entire country. He said that he has lost faith in the president. This was a difficult decision for McKean, and he understands that he will have disappointed many people.

The legislator became a state senator in 1978. Then from 1993 to 2016, he went back into the private world. He won his 2016 state representative seat in 2016.

In Iowa, the Republicans now hold 53 seats in the House with 47 going to the Democrats. Republican Senators have a bigger lead, 32 to 18.

Twitter world went crazy. Check out some of our favorites below:Screen-Shot-2019-04-23-at-4.01.16-PM GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-04-23-at-4.01.31-PM GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-04-23-at-4.01.57-PM GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2019-04-23-at-4.00.36-PM GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2019-04-23-at-4.00.49-PM GOP Rep. Abruptly Defects From Republican Party As Trump Syndrome Takes Over Corruption Crime Donald Trump Election 2020 Investigation Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories