Oreo Co. Responds To Ben Carson Testimony Blunder & It’s Pure Comedy


For anyone who wasn’t watching C-Span on Tuesday, Trump’s nominee for the position of HUD secretary, Ben Carson, proved to the country that he is no longer pretending to be the slightest bit qualified for his job.

When Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) asked Carson about the disparity in REO rates, or why the FHA has a higher rate of real-estate owned properties (REOs, which are properties that have gone into foreclosure) than other lending agencies, Carson was apparently caught in the middle of daydreaming about snack time.

“Oreos?” he asked.

Screen-Shot-2019-05-21-at-7.10.15-PM Oreo Co. Responds To Ben Carson Testimony Blunder & It's Pure Comedy Featured Politics Poverty Top Stories

The Oreo Twitter account chided Carson for his lack of knowledge about terms directly related to his job, giving Twitter users a big laugh and pointing out the idiocy of the unqualified people Trump has appointed to oversee vulnerable Americans’ basic needs. For the record, many of our country’s seniors rely on HUD housing to keep from becoming homeless. They deserve better than Ben Carson.

The exchange went as follows, according to USA Today:

‘I would also like to ask you to get back to me, if you don’t mind, to explain the disparity in REO rates. Do you know what an REO is?” asked the congresswoman.’

”“An Oreo…” replied Carson.

“R, no not an Oreo. An R-E-O.” shot back Porter.

‘“Real estate?” asked Carson.

‘“What’s the O stand for?” said Porter.

‘“E-organization?” asked Carson.’

In addition to proving that he is unconcerned about any aspect of the job he’s been entrusted to, Carson was also notably disrespectful and dismissive of the women in Congress who questioned him. When Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) asked Carson about the substandard housing conditions that have led to injuries for HUD tenants, especially for seniors, he dismissed her question.

‘Can you ask me questions yourself and stop reading silly stuff…’

Presley continued, noting that Carson is smart enough to understand the question and that she was reclaiming her time as a sitting congresswoman with the right to conduct oversight of Carson’s work.

‘You can reclaim it all you want.’

Pressley tried asking him three more times and each time he answered the same way.

‘You already know the answer to that.’

Pressley reminded him that her knowledge of the answer to that question wasn’t at issue. Again, she asked him to answer the question.

‘Reclaiming my time.’

Perhaps Carson would make a better Oreo spokesman than a government official, but only if no one at the highest levels at the Nabisco company happens to be female.

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