Kellyanne Goes Full Hypocrite On Pelosi In Fox & Friends Appearance


Following the president’s temper tantrum over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s comment that Democrats believe Trump is engaged in a “cover-up” on the Russia probe as well as numerous other investigations into his corruption, Kellyanne Conway and other Trump officials appeared in a press conference to dutifully insist that Trump was quite calm during the meeting on infrastructure with Democrats in which he refused to work on anything unless he got his way on ending the investigations.

On Wednesday, Conway appeared on Fox & Friends to repeat that claim as well as many other either misleading or completely false ones. The president’s advisors are still spinning a narrative about Trump’s demeanor during that meaning rather than his actual words, which was followed by an “impromptu” speech in the Rose Garden that clearly wasn’t. Conway was asked whether Trump would truly refuse to work on the issues during the Democrats’ investigations. Conway answered:

‘We can work with them on infrastructure, drug pricing, these bipartisan issues but the president’s point last week was an important one.’

Trump clearly said that he wouldn’t work with Democrats, which was why Pelosi and other Democrats said he was throwing a tantrum. His point was not “an important one” but a verbal stamping of feet and refusing to do his job, and his speech was clearly not a response to Pelosi’s words since he did not have time to have posterboards and fliers printed up in the very brief time between Pelosi’s statement and that speech.

Conway continued:

‘He took the case to her, why an hour before coming here would you go in front of the microphones and say the president is engaged in a cover-up? He said I don’t do cover-ups, you know that. Why would you do that? Why couldn’t she walk by the microphones? Is anybody capable of that these days?…She made a different choice. She cannot control her temper about Donald Trump and cannot control her caucus’.’

Of course, Conway is ignoring the fact that Trump can’t seem to pass a microphone or answer a simple question without ranting about Pelosi, Schumer, Democrats, or the Mueller probe. This is just more “I know you are but what am I?” nonsense from the Trump team, and Conway continued to spread lies during her interview.

‘Of course the president is ready to work on drug pricing. He’s working without them. We have the lowest prescription drug prices in decades. And he will continue to do that.’

Like most things that Trump claims and his advisors repeat, that’s simply not true. Drug prices under Trump’s administration have, at times, gone up, and at others, leveled back out, but there is no truth to the claim that drug prices have lowered thanks to Trump or his policies. Trump’s refusal to work with Democrats won’t help that happen, either.

See Conway’s full statements below:

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