Trump 2020 Re-Election Chances Take Major Blow After Financial Disaster Strikes


Most people did not know Donald Trump in 2016 when he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower and entered the swamp of politics. They had no idea he was an all-consuming liar. Instead, they believed he had a tell-it-like-it-is attitude. Many people felt they just could not vote for Hillary Clinton for various reasons. They chose the alternative. After all how bad could it be? Then, there was the issue of money.

Now, those voters have awakened from their deeply mistaken illusion, and things do not look nearly as optimistic for the president. Start with the commander-in-chief’s internal poll numbers. They showed Trump trailing in 17 important states and behind almost half a dozen Democratic presidential candidates.

POTUS’ eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. called one of those huge donors and warned that the president’s funds were lagging behind where President Barack Obama’s numbers had been at the same point in his re-election campaign. One of the reasons for Trump Sr. coming up short was that the billionaire Mercer family completely withdrew their impressive financial support.

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The billionaire Mercer family was among Trump’s largest donors in 2016. Yet, they have apparently taken themselves away from any political spending. Hedge-fund manager Robert Mercer and daughter Rebekah Mercer became disillusioned” with this president.

An individual “familiar with the Mercers’ thinking” claimed that they were very unhappy that Trump had not given them what they thought they were buying. That source told The Vanity Fair:

‘They think that the administration could do so much more. They’ve been very vocal about that to the president.’

 Vanity Fair’s The Hive said that its sources claimed they withdrew, because they had no idea how much publicity would come from being associated with Trump and their connection to the ultra-right media, such as The Breitbart News, where Mercer is an investor.

A former hedge fund official at Renaissance Technologies where Robert Merce served as co-CEO said:

‘Trump was just Bob’s play against Hillary. Bob said she and her husband were murderers who would destroy the country. He thought she was an evil person and a socialist.’

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Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been complaining to the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) chair Ronna Romney McDaniel that the president’s mega-donors have faded away. McDaniel was hired only on the president’s condition that she not use her middle name. She is the niece of Trump’s former presidential competitor Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT). Apparently, that has changed.

POTUS’ eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. called one of those huge donors and warned that the president’s fund were lagging behind where President Barack Obama’s numbers were at the same point in his re-election campaign.

A former White House official told Vanity Fair something interesting about the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner:

‘Jared doesn’t like what’s going on. He basically believes the RNC should be doing a lot better.’

The official claimed that Kushner wanted to bring back Nick Ayers. He was Mike Pence’s chief of staff. Ivanka’s husband believed that Ayers could improve the RNC’s GOP fund-raisers.

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A spokesperson for the RNC commented that the group already:

‘…has a great working relationship with the team at the White House.’

In addition, that same official had high marks for McDaniel’s:

‘fundraising records month after month.’