Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi


Donald Trump likes acting heads of the gigantic government areas like an acting Secretary of Defense when we were on the verge of war. Then, there is the acting Department of Homeland Security and Acting Director of ICE when he threatens a sweeping, cruel deportation of families from south of our border. The thing is, we have an acting president, too. Here is why.

POTUS started off his morning threatening a delayed deportation in two weeks. He believed that Americans are heartless, bitter, and savage. That meant he took that idea and blew it up to astounding proportions and acted it out:

‘I want to give the Democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to Asylum and Loopholes. This will fix the Southern Border, together with the help that Mexico is now giving us. Probably won’t happen, but worth a try. Two weeks and big Deportation begins!

Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-7.25.29-AM1 Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories

Although Trump considers the Democrats his enemies to throw up a wall of defense against, he suddenly decided to be cooperative with them, negotiating “Southern Border” changes. That was crazy, or he was acting again.

We have known that the president projects his own feelings onto others. Basically what he has done was project anger, victimization, and revenge onto his voters. Then, they respond to him as if he were a Las Vegas show. After all, his rallies have the appearance of showmanship. Little Don ginned up the crowd. First Lady Melania Trump walked in wearing a brilliant yellow outfit and gave her sexy-voiced speech. Then, it was time for the main act.

Twitter world went crazy. Check out some of our favorites below:Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-7.25.45-AM Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-7.26.50-AM Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-7.27.04-AM Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-7.27.30-AM Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories Screen-Shot-2019-06-23-at-7.26.36-AM Trump Flops Awake & Tweets Insecure Sunday Gibberish To Nancy Pelosi Corruption Crime Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Refugees Top Stories