Trump Announces New WH Press Secretary & His Choice Is Laughable


People have traditionally lined up around the block in hopes of a very prestigious job in a president’s administration. Then, they can use that experience as a springboard to a dynamic, high-paying career. That has not been the case with Donald Trump, because not only is he terribly difficult, people leave with a taint that cannot be washed away. That leaves him looking under rocks for his cabinet members, sorting through his Mar-a-Lago address book for others, enrolling his resort employees, and stealing employees from other people. Guess what he just did?

First Lady Melania Trump just made the announcement that her spokesperson Stephanie Grisham has been promoted. Oh, she will still be the first lady’s spokesperson, but she will also take on the roles of two heavy-lifting jobs, the White House communications director and the White House press secretary, according to CNN. Grisham will gradually transition away from her role for the first lady. Mrs. Trump tweeted:

”I am pleased to announce @StephGrisham45 will be the next @PressSec & Comms Director! She has been with us since 2015 – @POTUS & I can think of no better person to serve the Administration & our country. Excited to have Stephanie working for both sides of the @WhiteHouse. #BeBest.’

Screen-Shot-2019-06-25-at-1.12.20-PM Trump Announces New WH Press Secretary & His Choice Is Laughable Donald Trump Media Politics Top Stories

Fortunately, the president appeared to like his new White House communications director/ press secretary. She will travel with him to the G20 Summit in Japan and then on to Seoul, South Korea.  She was not the first person to be loaded up with dual or triple jobs involving long-term strategic planning. Cabinet Director of the Office of Management and Budget/acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney has been quite burdened, too.

Not surprisingly, POTUS has changed Grisham’s job description. He has grown the job to encompass the one formerly held by Bill Shine, White House communications director. He left last March. Trump also has the incoming staff member replacing Sarah Huckabee Sander’s position. Sanders last day was set for this Friday.

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Grisham joined team Trump in 2015 as a campaign staffer. She came to the 45th president with the experience of being a spokesperson and communications operative in Arizona Republican politics. She also worked on Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2012.

The communications woman remained with the Trump staff after the president took office. There, First Lady Melania Trump noticed how deftly she handled Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie Abe visit to Mar-a-Lago. Mrs. Trump snapped her up.

The Washington Post profile of Grisham in 2018 called her “the enforcer.” It appeared her job with the first lady was to manage negative criticism. Melania Trump has been criticized for her ironic choice of cyberbullying as a signature issue. The media also followed news about her kidney operation last spring. Her spokeswoman also managed the thorny issue of Mrs. Trump’s response to the president’s alleged infidelities, including the Stormy Daniels scandal. He denied those.

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Grisham tweeted:

‘While I know the media is enjoying speculation & salacious gossip, I’d like to remind people there’s a minor child who’s name should be kept out of news stories when at all possible.’