ACLU Sues Trump Administration Ahead Of Weekend ICE Raids


Donald Trump’s threats of mass raids of undocumented immigrants, which will land even more people into already overcrowded, vile, and abusive detention centers where Trump’s friends make money off their dention, are planned for Sunday. Ahead of those raids, the ACLU has filed a lawsuit against a number of Trump administraiton officials involved in the planning and implementation of these raids.

Trump may have once been seen as an anamoly in the Republican party, differing greatly on their ideologies and core beliefs, but he’s reframed the GOP stance and gained allies in his targeting of undocumented immigrants. Attorney General William Barr, for instance, made moves to require undocumented immigrants to be held in detention centers indefinitely while their asylum claims are processed, which can take months and, at times, even years. The ACLU lawsuit named five separate Trump administration officials in its lawsuit.

‘William Barr, Attorney General; James McHenry, Director, Executive Office for Immigration Review; Kevin McAleenan, Secretary, Homeland Security; Mark Morgan, Acting Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and Thomas R. Decker, Field Office Director, New York Field Office, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.’

The ACLU explained that the due process rights of individuals in the country illegally will be violated with the implementation of these raids, as many have not had their day in court to process asylum claims. Remaining in the country as an undocumented immigrant seeking asylum is legal, and many of those will suffer during these raids, as well as their children, have not been allowed a fair trial.

‘Plaintiffs are several organizations that serve immigrant families and children who fled persecution or torture in their home countries. They seek to prevent imminent deportations in violation of the most basic due process principles: the rights to notice and an opportunity to be heard. The families and children whom Plaintiffs serve fled their countries within the last five years. But none of them ever had their claims for asylum and related relief heard by an immigration judge. Instead, the government ordered them removed in absentia because they failed to appear in court.’

In some cases, these asylum seekers were mailed notices, but to the wrong address. In others, the notices were sent out too late or too close to the hearing date for the individuals and families to respond appropriately. The move by the Trump administration to remove these people is an abuse of power and is meant solely to please Trump’s racist fanbase while racking up the profits for his wealthy friends, such as former Chief of Staff John Kelly, who have invested in private detention centers which earn $775 per person, per day, to hold and neglect these vulnerable people.

‘The in absentia removal orders the Trump Administration now seeks to enforce were not properly entered because the government’s system for providing notice is in chaos. In thousands of cases, the government mailed notices to incorrect addresses; sent them with no date or time; and set hearings for dates – including weekends – when no hearings were being held at all.’

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