Racist White Trash Harasses Black Shopper With N-Word Laced Rant


On Saturday, a Proud Boys rally took place in Portland, Oregon. A Trump-supporting racist group, which should be the focus considering that white supremacist domestic terrorism makes up nearly half of all terrorism-related arrests by the FBI right now, got no admonishment or warning from the sitting president that they elected. Instead, Trump took to Twitter to warn anti-fascists that they may be labeled a terrorist group.

Elsewhere on Twitter, Trump might have noticed yet another video of a black American experiencing the very real racism that Trump’s supporters, like Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, insist is a “hoax.” In Miami, Nicki Johnson went to her local Publix grocery store and was rudely bumped into by a white shopper. When Johnson asked the woman to apologize, the white shopper became irate, calling her the n-word and telling her to “go back to Harlem.”

The Atlanta Black Star reports that:

‘Nicki Johnson captured the moment an unidentified woman called her the “n-word” after she confronted her about the in-store collision. Johnson said she was shopping at a Publix supermarket at Mary Brickell Village in Miami when the fracas unfolded.’

It’s not a surprise to anyone who’s actually been paying attention that racism has always been alive and well in the United States and that Trump is fueling the fire. Ironically, his supporters insist that since they’re called racists quite often, nothing is really racist. Instead, they believe that black Americans are lying when they say they have the kind of encounters caught on Nicki Johnson’s cell phone video, not realizing that dismissing the voices of millions of black Americans is the very definition of racism.

‘A video she posted to Instagram starts moments after the woman allegedly bumped her cart and refused to apologize, calling her a “n—-r” instead.

‘“You, why don’t you call me a n—-r again?” Johnson says, daring the woman to repeat the slur, but this time on camera.

‘“Let me tell you something, I don’t have to call you anything,” the cart culprit shoots back, later screeching through her teeth: “Get away from me!”’

Johnson’s experience wasn’t new and is simply the extension of a long and shameful history in the United States. With Trump in office, however, the boldness is getting more pronounced, and his supporters feel represented. As long as the issue goes unaddressed at the top levels of our government, real change will not come. Instead, more cell phone videos will make the rounds on Twitter, and tensions will increase.

‘Johnson told the Daily Mail that, before taking out her phone to record, she was waiting in line when the woman bumped her buggy and went on about her business. She said she asked the lady to apologize, to which the woman allegedly responded: “I didn’t hit you with my cart, and f–k you,  you f—–g n—-r.”’

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