Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump’s Weird Morning WH Behavior


In case you thought the nearly continuous train of scandal from inside the Trump administration would come to a halt any time soon — a new scandal has been unfolding recently to pierce the bubble of that idea. According to reporting, a whistleblower inside the intelligence community has sounded an alarm about communications President Donald Trump conducted with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who Trump reportedly made a “promise” to — possibly to deliver aid — possibly in exchange for dirt on former Vice President and leading Democratic presidential primary candidate Joe Biden. This Friday, Trump faced questioning about the reporting in the Oval Office where — as CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta shared on Twitter — Trump flipped, claiming there was nothing to the story.

Acosta wrote:

‘In Oval, Trump tells reporters when asked about Ukraine and whistleblower “it doesn’t matter what i discussed” and adds “someone ought to look into Joe Biden” (per WH pool).’

4b0d5a9b-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-11.23.07-am Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

In fact — it does matter whether or not the president of the United States tried to bribe a foreign leader into providing dirt on a domestic political opponent. The idea is that Biden inappropriately gained from pressuring Ukrainian authorities to fire a corrupt top prosecutor, who — in reality apparently completely unbeknownst to Joe at the time — had been investigating a company the then-vice president’s son Hunter was involved with. There’s no actual evidence of that kind of wrongdoing; Joe didn’t even know Hunter was involved with the company until news reporting about the case, he’s shared. And many other figures in the West called for the prosecutor’s departure too.

That hasn’t stopped Trump and his cronies! They’ve been pushing for months for Ukrainian authorities to come up with some kind of dirt on the Bidens, even in the absence of any concrete evidence that any is there in the first place. The president and his inner circles have a demonstrated very strong affinity for conspiracy theories.

Check out Twitter responses to their belligerence below…

f40e822f-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-1.01.45-pm Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories 96220b6c-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-1.01.25-pm Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories ca3acc4a-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-1.00.57-pm Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories 7fcaed9a-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-1.00.29-pm Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories 729c0b85-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-1.00.13-pm Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories 748384dd-screenshot-2019-09-20-at-12.59.37-pm Jim Acosta Tweets About Trump's Weird Morning WH Behavior Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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