Black Republicans Turn On Trump Big Time


The Republicans have a problem. It appears that 40 percent of House GOP members have either retired or lost in their last election. What is more important is that they lost this crucial Republican.

The black commentator Gregory Cheadle retired after enduring two years of Donald Trump’s racist talk. He said that he might run for a seat in 2020 but as an independent. The president referred to him as “my African American,” according to PBS.

Although Cheadle, 62, liked the Republicans’ attitude toward the economy, he did not like its “pro-white” change. He was finally fed up after Trump told four members of the Squad, all representatives of color and American citizens to go back to their countries of origin.

In addition, the representative had a real problem with POTUS’ attack on Elijah Cummings (D-MD). Cheadle said:

‘President Trump is a rich guy who is mired in white privilege to the extreme. Republicans are too sheepish to call him out on anything and they are afraid of losing their positions and losing any power themselves.’

66c6cde2-screen-shot-2019-09-23-at-8.57.12-am Black Republicans Turn On Trump Big Time Black Lives Matter Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2020 Hate Speech Human Rights Nazis Politics Polls Racism Top Stories White Privilege White Supremacy

Representative Will Hurd (R-TX), the only black Republican member of the House said in August that he would not run for reelection:

‘If the party doesn’t start looking like America, there will not be a party in America.’


Trump’s racial tweets spurred Paul Mitchell (R-MI) to announce his retirement:

‘We’re here for a purpose — and it’s not this petty, childish b——t.’

Mitchell decided that this Washington was not worth the effort. He asked about Trump’s Twitter addiction:

‘Did any member of this conference expect that their job would start out every morning trying to go through the list of what’s happening in tweets of the day? We’re not moving forward right now. We are simply thrashing around.’

Former congressman Ryan Costello (R-PA) was a moderate. Yet, he left when he knew he would have a tough fight:

‘He has not been a net positive for suburban House Republicans, I mean, that’s a truism. Down ballot, for the Republicans, you are basically judged by whatever the president does, and not by what you do.’

A Republican leader’s aide spoke freely but only after the reporter guaranteed his anonymity:

‘Unless we figure out exactly how we’re going to win back suburban voters, we’re going to be in the minority for a while.’

Trump’s 2020 campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh said:

‘…the only people who can find fault with President Trump’s influence on the Republican Party are those who have seen their own power and control wither away.’

Hispanic Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) said the campaign was basically “erasing all the progress they’ve made with minorities:”

‘He’s turned [the GOP] into a personal vessel for his brand. The president seems to be doubling down on an all-base strategy; perhaps that can work for him . . . but it certainly makes it very difficult for Republicans to win a majority of seats in the House.’

A former CIA official said the Republicans were declining due to:

‘…real basic things that we should all learn when we’re in kindergarten: Don’t be a racist. Don’t be a misogynist, right? Don’t be a homophobe.The electorate is changing . . . and if you’re not staying up to date, and if you’re not talking to people who are going to be future voters, then you’re going to have a problem at the ballot box. It’s women in the suburbs, minorities and young people — those are going to be the key groups and key voters in 2020.’

Representative John Shimkus (R-IL) was also retiring:

‘The president is the de facto head of the party by definition, but the party for me is less government, individual responsibility, lower taxes, more personal freedoms and liberties.’

Mitchell’s decision was a hard one:

‘Fewer than 12,500 people have ever done this. Congress has the opportunity to do incredible things for this country. I worked hard to be here. I love what it stands for. But I can’t afflict that trade-off, that sacrifice on [my son], when in fact all we’re sacrificing is just time because . . . we’re not solving the nation’s problems here.’

Featured image via Twitter.

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