GOP Senator Has ‘CNN Sunday’ Impeachment Fail On Live TV


It must be very difficult for the Sunday morning talk shows to find Donald Trump defenders. Many in the White House have faded back into the shadows of the people’s house. Yet, one senator was willing to put his reputation on the line for the president.

Senator Kevin Kramer (R-ND) displayed that which the people find so disgusting about Washington, D.C. The senator slipped and slid past the host of CNN’s State of the Union’s host Jake Tapper’s questions.

Tapper was insistent that Kramer respond to his questions regarding Donald Trump’s corruption and lies. CNN’s host asked him about the president’s attorney Rudy Giuliani’s trips to Ukraine trying to get dirt on the beleaguered 2020 presidential election candidate Joe Biden’s son.

When Kramer said there was no corruption involved in Giuliani’s actions, Tapper did not let him get away with it.

006f9895-screen-shot-2019-10-13-at-10.18.05-am GOP Senator Has 'CNN Sunday' Impeachment Fail On Live TV Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy History Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Russia Top Stories War

Kramer did not respond to Tapper’s question about the State Department texts on Trump giving foreign states aid in exchange for dirt on the vice president, or whether the Trump kids should be investigated. Instead, the senator said:

‘Well, if it is, then certainly worth investigating whether Hunter Biden used his status as the son of the vice president to fly around the world on Air Force Two and gain all kinds of government contracts and — or positions with companies that he has no qualifications to serve for and getting a large paycheck as a result of it.’

Even though the president’s children have been zipping across the world scraping up all the money they can for the family business, apparently that was fine with the senator. First daughter Ivanka Trump has been pulling in business with China as her husband Jared Kushner’s family does the same. The Secret Service trails after them on the taxpayers’ dime. The two elder sons have been seen everywhere from Indonesia to India.

POTUS has frequently sent Ivanka Trump in his place at meetings with our strongest allies, and she has clearly been out of her depth.

19d68faa-screen-shot-2019-10-13-at-10.17.39-am GOP Senator Has 'CNN Sunday' Impeachment Fail On Live TV Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy History Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Russia Top Stories War

Tapper fired back at Kramer:

‘Are you really not capable of answering a question of whether or not it is acceptable for a president to ask a foreign rival to investigate his political rivals, to ask a foreign nation to investigate his political rival without bringing up Hunter Biden? I’m not defending Hunter Biden, but I’m just saying can you say this is a precedent and now an American foreign policy that it is okay for a Democratic president to push China or Russia or whatever to investigate the children or the family of his political rivals? Is this now the country we’re going to live in?’

Kramer once again did not respond to Tapper’s question:

‘I would say this much, Jake, I appreciate that we have a president that is transparent about his opinions and clear about them and he didn’t try to do it covertly.’

Check out this video of the two’s interaction on CNN below:

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