Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out


Donald Trump appears erratic, but there are a few ways to tell what he is thinking. First, he has his strategies including deflect, attack, and haze (truth is wrong). Plus, the manner in which he sends out his tweets is important. Still, there is an easier way to pry open that presidential mind.

After strategies, the second way to tell what has been in his thoughts is when the commander-in-chief has been very worried. That includes when he started tweeting in the dark of the night, when he sent out a barrage of tweets, or when his wording and spelling have been off-kilter.

The third way to tell what is on POTUS’ mind has been to look for the words that jump off the tweet. He might be using these words to attack someone else or to deflect, but beneath the strategies are the power words.

Today he started out very early. Then, he attacked the impeachment inquiry witnesses and hazed the truth. However, let us look at his words. In the first tweet, he used the keyword “witnesses,” meaning the witnesses concern him:

‘Why is such a focus put on 2nd and 3rd hand witnesses, many of whom are Never Trumpers, or whose lawyers are Never Trumpers, when all you have to do is read the phone call (transcript) with the Ukrainian President and see first hand? He and others also stated that there was…..’

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.10.06-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

In the next tweet, Trump used “pressure,” “corruption,” and “sons.” He could have felt pressure, knew his acts were corrupt, and worried about his own sons:

‘…..”no pressure” put on him to investigate Sleepy Joe Biden even though, as President, I have an “obligation” to look into corruption, and Biden’s actions, on tape, about firing the prosecutor, and his son’s taking millions of dollars, with no knowledge or talent, from a…..’

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.21.13-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

This tweet’s power words were “corrupt” (again), “millions,” “big money,” and “scam.” He has known his acts were corrupt, because this has been his biggest scam. Plus, he was worried about losing his “millions:”

‘….Ukrainian energy company, and more millions taken from China, and now reports of other companies and countries also giving him big money, are certainly looking very corrupt (to put it mildly!) to me. Both Bidens should be forced to testify in this No Due Process Scam!’

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.21.50-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

Here, POTUS wrote “important ” and “phone call.” That could mean he has been thinking about making an important phone call to someone — not the Ukrainian president:

‘I will be releasing the transcript of the first, and therefore more important, phone call with the Ukrainian President before week’s end!’

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.22.22-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

In this one, we saw “economy.” That could have meant this is the main accomplishment he has been resting his laurels upon:

‘Economy is BOOMING. Seems set to have yet another record day!’

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.23.00-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

Here, the president said “no longer very young,” “criminals,” and “Supreme Court.” In this instance, he may have been feeling his years, feared going to jail, but thought his Trump-weighted  Supreme Court would save him in the end:

‘Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young, are far from “angels.” Some are very tough, hardened criminals. President Obama said he had no legal right to sign order, but would anyway. If Supreme Court remedies with overturn, a deal will be made with Dems for them to stay!’

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.24.13-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

Twitter world went wild. Take a look at some of our favorites below:

Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.19.03-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.11.16-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.17.53-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.18.07-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.18.24-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.18.46-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War Screen-Shot-2019-11-12-at-7.11.07-AM Trump Goes Berserk Over Impeachment During Tuesday AM Flip-Out Child Abuse Corruption Crime DACA Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2016 Election 2020 Featured Foreign Policy Human Rights Immigration Impeachment Investigation Military National Security Politics Racism Russia Terrorism Top Stories Veterans War

The Mueller Report Adventures: In Bite-Sizes on this Facebook page. These quick, two-minute reads interpret the report in normal English for busy people. Mueller Bite-Sizes uncovers what is essentially a compelling spy mystery. Interestingly enough, Mueller Bite-Sizes can be read in any order.