Lewinsky Responds To Ken Starr Joining Trump Impeachment Team


This Friday, the news broke that former independent counsel Ken Starr would be joining President Donald Trump’s defense team for his slowly but surely beginning Senate impeachment trial. Starr was one of the chief investigators that led the impeachment push against President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, which included a focus on his affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinksy and his efforts to cover that up. Starr has explicitly refused to apologize for intense personal scrutiny of Lewinsky. This Friday, she pointed out how absurd his addition to Trump’s own team really is.

In short — some of these same partisans are still out here beating their drums after all this time.

Lewinsky commented on Twitter:

‘this is definitely an “are you fucking kidding me?” kinda day.’

Starr has already established himself as an ardent defender of Donald Trump during this latest impeachment saga. The president has tweeted thanks for Starr’s riled up public defenses numerous times. For example, shortly before his actual impeachment late last year, Trump posted:

The evidence has to be overwhelming, and it is not. It’s not even close.” Ken Starr, Former Independent Counsel’

They’re just trying to will Trump’s innocence into existence, but that’s just not how it works! House Democrats have made troves and troves of evidence public that clearly outline the president’s plot to bribe Ukraine into investigating his domestic political opponents.

Now, Starr is not the only newly revealed addition to Trump’s impeachment defense team. Besides other already in-place Trump defenders like conservative activist Jay Sekulow and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, longtime Trump defender Alan Dershowitz will also be joining the president’s defense team. Dershowitz’s past clients have included O.J. Simpson and Jeffrey Epstein. The statement that Dershowitz’s office issued confirming his addition to Trump’s defense team called him non-partisan, but his endless stream of appearances on Fox News proves otherwise.

Trump is piecing his so-called legal defense together from what (and who) he sees on television, apparently.

Check out Twitter’s response to Lewinsky below…

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