Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader


Wonder how Secretary Hillary Clinton felt about Donald Trump’s White House reality show/ State of the Union address? As POTUS meandered through a garden of falsehoods, each time he dug in might have hurt her — just a little. This is how the candidate who won the popular vote in an election rigged against her reacted.

Trump did not feel the virtual stiletto slip in until he sensed blood dripping down his back. Clinton threw shade on POTUS as she suggested that American voters would be better off rechecking their voter registration. Then, Clinton suggested bringing along two friends to the “double-check” party:

‘Clinton advises checking your voter registration during Trump’s State of the Union’

Screen-Shot-2020-02-05-at-8.16.47-AM Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader Corruption Featured Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories

Certainly, that would have been a better-spent 78 minutes than listening to lie upon lie, bluster after gloat. Even some of the Democrats sitting in the house could not stomach Trump’s hypocrisy and left the hallowed room. They were:

Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Al Green (D-TX), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Bennie Thompson (D-MS), and Frederica Wilson (D-FL).

The president’s speech sounded more like a campaign rally than a State of the Union address. Clinton intimated that voters would be wise to ignore what he said and pay attention to what he actually accomplished.

Trump was wooing his voters and trying to pull in independents, but there was another audience. These were the senators facing a vote of their lifetime on Wednesday. Either go down in history voting to acquit the president or to grow a spine and do as the people asked — find him guilty.

Twitter world agreed with Secretary Clinton, applauding her subtle attack. Check out some of our favorite shade below:

Screen-Shot-2020-02-05-at-8.20.14-AM Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader Corruption Featured Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-05-at-8.17.06-AM Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader Corruption Featured Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-05-at-8.20.39-AM Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader Corruption Featured Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-05-at-8.20.58-AM Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader Corruption Featured Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-05-at-8.21.56-AM Hillary Trolls Trump During SOTU Like A Real Leader Corruption Featured Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories

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