Bloomberg Rebukes Trump’s Debate Taunt With Viral Twitter Trolling


This week, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg took a spot on the debate stage next to fellow Democratic presidential primary candidates for the first time — and President Donald Trump was watching. Although Bloomberg has yet to emerge as a frontrunner, he’s poured huge amounts of his cash into ads and other means to get people’s attention, and Trump has seemed to take personal offense, considering his endless barrages of public mockery for the former mayor. This Thursday morning, hours after the debate concluded, he mockingly suggested that Bloomberg would leave the race soon, but Bloomberg replied, right there on Twitter, that he was intent on sticking around to confront Trump.

Trump’s egomania is well-documented, so — no matter voters’ takes — he seems likely to get only further driven up a wall by Bloomberg’s criticism.

Trump had originally tweeted:

‘@JRubinBlogger (Jennifer Rubin), the wacko “conservative” of the @washingtonpost , must learn how to spell the name Bloomberg before it is too late & he is gone!’

And Bloomberg replied, mockingly using a typo for effect:

‘You can tweet what you want now. Just you wait until Novembef.’

Although to suggest that typos on Twitter are far from the mind of the average of American would likely be an outrageous understatement, it is true that Trump himself has proven to struggle with basic typing on the app in the midst of his often belligerent tirades. One might hope that a president doesn’t end up known as the guy who can’t really spell correctly on Twitter, but lo and behold, here we are. In the original Trump tweet that Bloomberg responded to, the president had been mocking someone for spelling the former mayor’s name wrong.

From here, the question is whether Bloomberg will actually get a chance to confront Trump in a general election. Thanks to criticism over his sexist and racist past, his reputation went away only more in tatters after the latest debate, but who was watching? And will it change their opinion of him? Time will tell.

Check out Twitter’s response

Screenshot-2020-02-20-at-10.47.57-AM Bloomberg Rebukes Trump’s Debate Taunt With Viral Twitter Trolling Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-20-at-10.47.44-AM Bloomberg Rebukes Trump’s Debate Taunt With Viral Twitter Trolling Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-20-at-10.47.35-AM Bloomberg Rebukes Trump’s Debate Taunt With Viral Twitter Trolling Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-20-at-10.47.04-AM Bloomberg Rebukes Trump’s Debate Taunt With Viral Twitter Trolling Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-20-at-10.44.46-AM Bloomberg Rebukes Trump’s Debate Taunt With Viral Twitter Trolling Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories