Hillary Clinton Makes Friday Russian Meddling Evidence Declaration


She told us that Donald Trump was being helped by the Russians in the 2016 presidential election. President Vladimir Putin believed that Hillary Clinton had interfered in Russia’s elections, and this was payback time. He found a willing foil in Donald Trump.

There has been ample evidence that the Russians did indeed cyber-attack the US’s 2016 elections and that they never stopped. Now, Trump has been actively and publically working with Moscow as it hacks the 2020 presidential election and the state primaries.

Clinton saw what was happening in the last round and warned Americans about it. Yet, the idea of Russia distance-manipulating American votes may have seemsed almost too fantastical. This time, Trump has been laying the whole sordid mess down in front of the country via tweet, sporadic journalists’ scrums, and leaks by his administration to the press.

Clinton lost for a number of reasons. She did not feel the need to even make one stop in some of the states in the Great Lakes region. Her sense of entitlement was also off-putting to many voters.

The former secretary of State worked with the traditional Democratic National Committee (DNC) to fix the debate times to her advantage over Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The Green Party candidate turned up in photographs of Putin and the former Director of National Intelligence, Michael Flynn — all in Russia back in 2015.

This was Clinton’s warning Friday:

‘Putin’s Puppet is at it again, taking Russian help for himself. He knows he can’t win without it. And we can’t let it happen.’

Screen-Shot-2020-02-21-at-12.25.39-PM Hillary Clinton Makes Friday Russian Meddling Evidence Declaration Election 2016 Featured Politics Russia Top Stories

Twitter world took off. Check out how Americans felt about Clinton taking a victory lap:

Screen-Shot-2020-02-21-at-12.26.48-PM Hillary Clinton Makes Friday Russian Meddling Evidence Declaration Election 2016 Featured Politics Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-21-at-12.27.16-PM Hillary Clinton Makes Friday Russian Meddling Evidence Declaration Election 2016 Featured Politics Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-21-at-12.27.28-PM Hillary Clinton Makes Friday Russian Meddling Evidence Declaration Election 2016 Featured Politics Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-21-at-12.28.17-PM Hillary Clinton Makes Friday Russian Meddling Evidence Declaration Election 2016 Featured Politics Russia Top Stories

Featured image is a screenshot via Twitter.

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