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Ever wonder what a shot ski is? Here is a hint: it is something that talk show hosts make former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton do live. Another hint? It is something people do simultaneously like synchronized swimming only not wet.

People sitting around in the snow-filled Austrian winters came up with a drinking game called “shot ski.” They took an old pair of skis, lined up four to five people, and placed a shot in front of each of them. Then, they all tried to lift the ski and drink in one smooth motion.

Clinton handled her shot ski smoothly, which means either she is remarkably dexterous, she has played before, or her ski mates cheated:

‘When on @BravoWWHL… https://t.co/rbBp4aA8Dj

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 6, 2020’

Shot skis let four to five people line up to give it their best effort. The residents of Whistler, Canada pulled off an 85-person, five per ski, drink-up in 2011. They did not break the record, though.

That record went to a wedding party in Fernie, British Columbia in 2013. They bolted over 700 feet of skis together, took 522 wedding guests, and bottoms up.

The shot ski started in Austria, and they probably think that Americans cheated when they bolted or glued the shot glasses to the skis. Austrians did not attach the glass. Rather, according to The Mountain Life:

‘[They  depended upon] skill, precision, and teamwork to achieve shot-ski success.’

Actually, the Austrians do not call it a shot ski. Instead, they use “schnappski.”

People sitting around in the snow-filled winter in Austria came up with the drinking game called “shot ski” ages ago. They took an old pair of skis, lined up four to five people, and placed a shot in front of each of them. Then, they all try to lift the ski and drink in one smooth motion.

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