Trump Has Ignorant Post-Debate Monday Meltdown


President Donald Trump is continuing to struggle through responding to the Coronavirus outbreak, which not too long ago at all, he derided concern about as a supposed “hoax.” In recent days, he’s taken to supposedly spiritual messages; following an officially proclaimed National Day of Prayer on Sunday, Trump rushed to Twitter this Monday morning to ask for God’s “blessing” in this time of crisis. Trump has a wide open chance to accompany these messages with tangible action to bulk up U.S. defenses against the crisis, but he’s coming up short.

He tweeted simply:

‘God Bless the USA!’

That followed a spree of retweets with desperate attacks on Democratic presidential candidates following the latest debate between the two main figures left, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale, in a message that the president retweeted, called Biden “a train wreck on illegal immigration” who “would harm national security.” Parscale also claimed that Biden “Trashes the rule of law and makes us less safe” — all because he said he’d dial back deportations as president.

There are ways to accomplish safety and deal with crime that don’t involve punitively removing people from the country! So-called sanctuary cities use these methods every day. Although one of Trump’s retweets also ominously declared that with Biden as president, “EVERY city is a sanctuary city,” neither the original poster nor the president identified why that’s actually so supposedly dangerous. Sanctuary cities still prosecute each and every crime to the fullest extent of the law. They just don’t invite federal immigration agents in to meddle with their local justice system. Claiming that those cities endanger the public, release criminals, or whatever else, is ludicrous and wrong. The U.S. could use a president who is focused on real-world issues right about now.


Check out Twitter’s response…

Screenshot-2020-03-16-at-9.27.02-AM Trump Has Ignorant Post-Debate Monday Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-03-16-at-9.26.52-AM Trump Has Ignorant Post-Debate Monday Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-03-16-at-9.26.22-AM Trump Has Ignorant Post-Debate Monday Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-03-16-at-9.26.01-AM Trump Has Ignorant Post-Debate Monday Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-03-16-at-9.25.45-AM Trump Has Ignorant Post-Debate Monday Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories