Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi


President Donald Trump continues to prioritize belittling his political opponents amidst the Coronavirus pandemic that has killed some 40,000 Americans as of this weekend. This Sunday, he launched into paranoid rants about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in which he insisted that the longtime Democratic leader is “inherently dumb” and should be “overthrown.” That’s the second time within the span of just a short number of days that Trump has sounded like he’s advocating physically violent insurrection against duly elected political authorities in the U.S. that he happens not to like. Recently, he also called on observers to “liberate” states with Democratic governors who’ve imposed social distancing demands in line with the federal government’s own guidelines.

Sunday, he tweeted:

‘Nervous Nancy is an inherently “dumb” person. She wasted all of her time on the Impeachment Hoax. She will be overthrown, either by inside or out, just like her last time as “Speaker”. Wallace & @FoxNews are on a bad path, watch!’

The post was in response to a post about Pelosi’s scheduled appearance this weekend on Fox News Sunday with host Chris Wallace. Beyond the surface level issue of Trump sounding like he’s a-okay with physical violence yet again, Trump is behaving as if there is no legitimacy whatsoever to even attempting to build any bridges with Democrats. He and his allies have essentially completely dehumanized their opponents in the name of worshiping the Trumpian ego.

Trump’s incompetence shined in another way this Sunday when he proclaimed that the U.S. has become the “King of ventilators” under his watch. Tens of thousands of Americans are dead, but Trump is focused on congratulating himself with familiarly over the top language for finally reaching the supposed point of basic ability to care for the suffering months after the first Coronavirus cases emerged in the U.S. A pandemic preparation book left behind by the Obama administration, which the Trump team ignored, outlined the need to bulk up U.S. medical supply months ago in the process.

Check out Twitter’s response below…

Screenshot-2020-04-19-at-2.02.47-PM Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-19-at-2.02.34-PM Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-19-at-1.58.48-PM Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-19-at-1.58.33-PM Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-19-at-1.58.26-PM Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-04-19-at-1.58.04-PM Trump Has Whiny Sunday Afternoon Twitter Freakout Targeting Pelosi Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories