Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds


Donald Trump’s current fixer Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News’ Laura Ingram’s show Thursday evening. The interview discussed COVID-19 and a tracing system to “monitor future outbreaks.” Giuliani tried to take a bullet for the president by uttering an even more ridiculous statement than his boss.

The former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani tweeted on April 26:

‘Why did the US (NIH) in 2017 give $3.7m to the Wuhan Lab in China? Such grants were prohibited in 2014. Did Pres. Obama grant an exception?’

Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-9.18.39-AM Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds Coronavirus Domestic Policy Featured Politics Top Stories

CNN thumped the host and her guest on the head for their careless words, because “They trust Ingraham. They trust Giuliani:”

‘And so when a man once referred to as “America’s Mayor” says something so flatly false — and, candidly, ignorant — it will have the impact of turning some watchers against the idea of contact tracing.’

Tracing is a lot like genealogy. Begin with the current patient, then see the people that patient had been close to, and then, see who those contacts had been around. Then, keep going. Make note of those who were tested positive for the coronavirus.

The CDC said this about tracing:

‘Immediate action is needed. Communities must scale up and train a large contact tracer workforce and work collaboratively across public and private agencies to stop the transmission of Covid-19.’

Ingraham mentioned former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg on her show with Giuliani:

‘Michael Bloomberg is gonna handle the tracing, army of tracers in NY we learned today from [New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo.’

Then, the other NYC mayor Giuliani spit out a response:

‘That’s totally ridiculous.’

Next, Ingraham started getting cute:

‘The army of tracers.’

Former Mayor Giuliani was being sarcastic, but he might also have been dangling a worm into the troubled pandemic waters:

‘ Then we should trace everybody for cancer.’

The show’s host repeated what she must has thought was her best line of the evening:

‘Yeah, army of tracers.’

Then, Giuliani continued:

‘We should trace everybody for cancer, and heart disease. And obesity. I mean, a lot of things kill you more than Covid-19. So, we should be traced for all those things. I mean life possesses a certain degree of risk.’

Ingraham may have listening without only half an ear. She started out laughing:

‘Ah ha ha ha ha … wait, what???? Here’s the thing, Mr. Mayor: Those diseases are not at all the same. Cancer, obesity and heart disease are not contagious. Coronavirus is. Which is why contact tracing is a strategy to combat coronavirus and not, say, obesity.’

With tracing, “the number of people infected” gets “very big, very quickly with tracing CNN reported:

‘The number of people infected starts to get very big very quickly. Which is why the vast majority of the country has been spending the past five weeks staying at home and maintaining social distancing. Because staying away from each other is the best — and, really, only — way that we currently have to combat the virus.’

Twitter world blew up when Giuliani peeked his head up into the public. Americans had a few things to tell him. Take a look at what they had to say below:

Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-9.21.44-AM Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds Coronavirus Domestic Policy Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-9.20.57-AM Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds Coronavirus Domestic Policy Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-9.21.23-AM Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds Coronavirus Domestic Policy Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-9.22.10-AM Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds Coronavirus Domestic Policy Featured Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-9.23.54-AM Giuliani Returns To Spotlight & Is Humiliated In Seconds Coronavirus Domestic Policy Featured Politics Top Stories

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