Romney Exposes Trump/GOP Corruption Over IG Firing During Weekend Rebuke


Donald Trump has put the people in charge of draining the swamp into quarantine. That was a strange move, given that draining the swamp was exactly what he ran on in 2016. As the last months of POTUS presidency run out and under the veil of the coronavirus pandemic, 45 is running rampant through our democracy — but one man has his number.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) has reminded the country about what Republicans used to be. In spite of the blow torch of Trump’s anger, Romney has spoken up and pointed out where the commander-in-chief has wronged America and its people.

Saturday, Romney tweeted an alarm that this president has on his watch four “firings of multiple inspectors general” and that Trump has been threatening not only the Constitution but the entire democracy:

‘The firings of multiple Inspectors General is unprecedented; doing so without good cause chills the independence essential to their purpose. It is a threat to accountable democracy and a fissure in the constitutional balance of power.’

Screen-Shot-2020-05-17-at-7.22.43-AM Romney Exposes Trump/GOP Corruption Over IG Firing During Weekend Rebuke Corruption Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

Romey found two other senators to stand with him, Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Susan Collins (R-ME). Grassley has long supported the inspectors general who stand watch over the various departments of the government. He released this statement, according to CNN:

‘As I’ve said before, Congress requires written reasons justifying an IG’s removal. A general lack of confidence simply is not sufficient detail to satisfy Congress.’

Although Collins often folds at the last moment, she did point out via tweet:

‘The President has not provided the kind of justification for the removal of IG Linick required by this law.’

Twitter world went nuts after Senator Romney spoke up about Trump firing multiple Inspectors General. Check out some of our favorites below:


Screen-Shot-2020-05-17-at-7.25.20-AM Romney Exposes Trump/GOP Corruption Over IG Firing During Weekend Rebuke Corruption Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-05-17-at-7.22.55-AM Romney Exposes Trump/GOP Corruption Over IG Firing During Weekend Rebuke Corruption Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-05-17-at-7.26.07-AM Romney Exposes Trump/GOP Corruption Over IG Firing During Weekend Rebuke Corruption Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2020-05-17-at-7.30.04-AM Romney Exposes Trump/GOP Corruption Over IG Firing During Weekend Rebuke Corruption Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories

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