Latest Biden Vs Trump National Poll Shows 11 Point Surge


Heading into November, President Donald Trump is not doing so well. Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden consistently leads when pitted against Trump in polls measuring voter support in their presumptive general election match-up. In a new Firehouse Strategies-Optimus poll, Biden leads Trump with a whopping 11 percent margin on the national level. The former vice president secured a full 54 percent of the support of those surveyed, while Trump had just 43 percent of the support. The startlingly high leading margin for Biden has some precedent — last week, a Quinnipiac University poll found the same lead for the former VP.

The new Firehouse Strategies poll also measured voters’ opinions on a host of other topics, including their perspective of governors’ handling of the Coronavirus crisis compared to the Coronavirus responses from the president and Congress. A full 72 percent of respondents said that they approved of the Coronavirus response from a selection of governors, while just 48 percent said they approved of Trump and 47 percent said they approved of Congress on the matter.

In the wake of the economic upheaval that has stemmed from efforts to control the spread of the Coronavirus, the economy also registered as voters’ chief concern in the poll results. A full 31 percent of respondents identified the economy as the issue most important to them personally, while in these latest results, 21 percent identified health care as their chief concern. In the March edition of this same poll, only 21 percent of respondents said that the economy was their top concern. In the time since, some of the economic devastation has really set in. Throughout recent weeks, tens of millions of Americans have filed unemployment claims, and the official unemployment level has hit the highest point since the Great Depression.

And what’s the president’s response? Nonsense. On Wednesday, he tweeted:

‘The Radical Left Lamestream Media, together with their partner, the Do Nothing Democrats, are trying to spread a new narrative that President Trump was slow in reacting to Covid 19. Wrong, I was very fast, even doing the Ban on China long before anybody thought necessary!’

That is laughable. At the end of February, Trump was still insisting that concern about the Coronavirus was a “hoax.” His restrictions on travel from China were not some kind of magical solution to the Coronavirus crisis. While taking that one, isolated step, which could easily be excused by the president’s team jumping at the chance to display racist antagonism, Trump and his team ignored a dizzying array of other steps they needed to take to stem the spread of the virus and save American lives. Now, the U.S. has passed 100,000 Coronavirus deaths, and the numbers are still climbing.

Trump is not taking these concerns seriously. Instead, he’s spent days promoting the ludicrous conspiracy theory that former Florida Congressman Joe Scarborough had something to do with the death of a staffer in his then-Congressional office in the early 2000s. There is no evidence for the president’s claims, and the late staffer’s husband has pleaded with Twitter to remove Trump’s rants — but he doesn’t care.