Jared Kushner Ties To George Soros & Borrowed Cash Uncovered


For several years now, billionaire George Soros has been a favorite boogeyman of the far right, in no small part because of his Jewish heritage. Every event that the right clutches their pearls over – the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter protests, a Democrat winning an office – was funded by George Soros, if you listened to them.

So when a right-wing newspaper reported that Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is currently in business with George Soros, the right didn’t quite know where to direct their hatred. The response became not only confused, but anti-semitic and conspiratorial.

The source of the story is The Wall Street Journal, a newspaper with a conservative opinion board that often praises Trump when no other news outlet will. Their revelation about Kushner’s silence on his business ties to Soros, billionaire Peter Thiel, and global investment firm Goldman Sachs landed like a ton of bricks on the right-wing conspiracy theorists.

The Wall Street Journal reports that:

‘Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, is currently in business with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and billionaires George Soros and Peter Thiel, according to people familiar with the matter and securities filings.’


In the past, Kushner was revealed to have been forced to amend his security clearance forms as many as 10 times due to failures to report his financial and business ties. His father-in-law even had to intervene to get him full security clearance at all, a move that made then-Secretary of State John Kelly concerned.

The responses on the internet varied between disbelief and outright hatred, always pointing to Soros’ Jewish identity and the age-old tropes about Jewish globalists trying to take over the world. None of these conspiracy theorists have yet to tie Jared Kushner or even Donald Trump to their conspiracies, and they’re likely to be confused as to how to feel about this one for some time.

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