Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump’s Lies


President Donald Trump has frequently made outrageous and completely baseless claims about supposed widespread voter fraud in the United States. He’s insisted, for example, that millions of votes were illegally cast in 2016 — despite not a single shred of supporting evidence — and he’s claimed more recently that voting by mail presents some kind of existential danger of even more fraud. In reality, instances of impropriety surrounding mail-in voting, which is already done nearly universally in five states, are wildly few and far between. There’s simply no evidence for the president’s claims of some kind of widespread scheme against democracy. On Tuesday, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton called out the president for his lies.

Quoting The Washington Post, Clinton shared on Twitter:

‘Voting by mail is both safe and secure. “Officials identified just 372 possible cases of double voting or voting on behalf of deceased people out of about 14.6 million votes cast by mail in the 2016 and 2018 general elections, or 0.0025 percent.”’

Clinton, notably, had evidence for her own claims. Trump has yet to produce any.

Some concerned observers have been advocating for increased access to mail-in voting amidst concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus, and when Trump was asked about his opposition to mail-in voting at a Coronavirus-oriented White House press conference, his supposed “evidence” was a complete and total lie. He claimed that the state of California “agreed that a million people should not have voted” — but that is 100 percent untrue. There’s no ambiguity. It’s a lie. The only thing that did happen is that California removed inactive voter registrations from voter rolls. Yet again, Trump glibly ignored reality.

Check out Twitter’s response to Clinton’s rebuttal below:

Screenshot-2020-06-09-at-4.09.55-PM Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump's Lies Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-06-09-at-4.09.37-PM Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump's Lies Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-06-09-at-4.09.10-PM Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump's Lies Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-06-09-at-4.07.47-PM Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump's Lies Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-06-09-at-4.07.15-PM Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump's Lies Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-06-09-at-4.06.27-PM Hillary Clinton Delivers Tuesday Fact-Check Of Trump's Lies Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories