Subpoena For William Barr Announced By Congress


Donald Trump may be having the worst campaign season for reelection in history. The country is experiencing its worst pandemic since 2017, unemployment is at its highest rate since the Great Depression, civil unrest is at its highest since the 1960s, his former national security advisor has written a tell-all book about his long criminal record in office, and his beloved campaign rallies are turning out to be a bust.

Now, Trump’s attorney general is about to be subpoenaed by Congress, and this time it’s either comply or lose all DOJ funding.

Barr’s numerous instances of corruption have been well documented. His covering for Trump during the impeachment hearings and the Mueller investigation, his firing of officials who dare to challenge Trump, his failure to investigate crimes related to the Trump administration, all of it has added up fast in his year and a half in office. His firing of the attorney general for the SDNY, however, may finally be his undoing.

Attorney General Berman, a Trump appointee, was in the middle of investigating Trump’s lawyer and “fixer,” Rudy Giuliani for his work in Ukraine, work that led to Trump’s impeachment in 2019. On Friday night, Barr announced that Berman had resigned from his post. However, Berman announced publicly that he had not resigned and that he didn’t intend to leave or to stop his investigation. On Saturday, Barr announced that Donald Trump had personally decided to fire Berman because of his stand-off with Barr. Trump says he didn’t and that he had nothing to do with the firing at all.

Jerry Nadler, head of the House Judiciary Committee, announced on Monday to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that he was not only opening an investigation into the firing, but that he intended to subpoena Barr and that he expected Barr to resist, but that Congress wouldn’t stop at a subpoena this time.

‘We have other remedies too to try to force the attorney general we can eliminate his budget there are a number of things we can do, which we will do.’

Maddow asked if that meant the office budget or a personal budget allotted to Barr. Nadler said that he meant the entire budget.

‘We’re talking about the budget of the Department of Justice.’

Twitter welcomed the news of an investigation into Barr’s corruption, but were also insistent that the threats be carried out and for Barr to finally face the music. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2020-06-22-at-10.06.21-PM Subpoena For William Barr Announced By Congress Corruption Donald Trump Featured Investigation Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-06-22-at-10.06.40-PM Subpoena For William Barr Announced By Congress Corruption Donald Trump Featured Investigation Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-06-22-at-10.07.10-PM Subpoena For William Barr Announced By Congress Corruption Donald Trump Featured Investigation Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-06-22-at-10.07.27-PM Subpoena For William Barr Announced By Congress Corruption Donald Trump Featured Investigation Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-06-22-at-10.07.46-PM Subpoena For William Barr Announced By Congress Corruption Donald Trump Featured Investigation Politics Top Stories

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