Jimmy Carter Shames Conservatives Over Refusing Masks


It seems so simple. During a global pandemic that has so far killed more than 130,000 Americans, the CDC issued guidelines that say that because of studies that have proven it to be true, wearing face masks in public goes a long way toward preventing the spread of infection. Yet, there are still Trump supporters who bought into the conspiracy theories that masks are unnecessary because the president knew his response to the virus made him look bad.

On Twitter, former President and First Lady Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter, who just celebrated their 74th wedding anniversary, posted a photo on Twitter of the two of them wearing those recommended face masks with a message saying “please wear a mask to save lives.” It shouldn’t have to be said, but the two humanitarians spoke out in support of being respectful of other human lives.

Carter has spoken up quite rarely during the administration of Donald Trump and only when asked to do so. The contrast between the two men could not be more different. Carter is a devout Southern Baptist who does humanitarian work and has been by his wife’s side for decades. Trump is a pretend evangelical who steals from charities and has cheated on all three wives. On the same day that the Carters begged Americans to wear their masks and prevent the spread of disease, Donald Trump deigned to wear one in public for the first time.

Twitter was gushing in their support of the Carters. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2020-07-11-at-8.32.32-PM Jimmy Carter Shames Conservatives Over Refusing Masks Coronavirus Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-07-11-at-8.32.46-PM Jimmy Carter Shames Conservatives Over Refusing Masks Coronavirus Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-07-11-at-8.33.00-PM Jimmy Carter Shames Conservatives Over Refusing Masks Coronavirus Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-07-11-at-8.33.14-PM Jimmy Carter Shames Conservatives Over Refusing Masks Coronavirus Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter

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