Trump Humper Pulls Gun At BBQ Restaurant Over Mask Requirement


In the unprecedented age of Donald Trump, even a deadly pandemic and the very simple guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control can become hot-button political issues. Trump supporters have been the most vocal of those protesting mandates to mask up, and they often represent their views very badly.

Another incidence of this occurred on Monday at RJ’s Bob-Be-Cue Shack in Mission, Kansas, where the Johnson County Board had voted for a mask mandate in early July. Rates of infection in Kansas have been on a sharp uptick since mid-June, prompting the mandate.

In a video released by The Kansas City Star, Arlo Kinsey, 18-year-old employee of RJ’s Bob-Be-Cue Shack described his run-in with a Trump supporter who is opposed to wearing a mask.

‘So a man walked in and he didn’t have a mask on. He was wearing a MAGA hat, the Make America Great Again hat, and a red jacket. So I asked him kindly if he could go get his mask or if he had a mask and he said he had an exemption. So I asked him if I could see the exemption, just to make sure. And then he showed me his gun saying that that was his exemption.’

Screen-Shot-2020-07-13-at-8.20.09-PM Trump Humper Pulls Gun At BBQ Restaurant Over Mask Requirement Crime Donald Trump Featured Gun Control NRA Politics Top Stories Videos Violence
Image screenshot via Kansas Department of Health and Environment

This is not an isolated incident. Stories of Trump supporters in MAGA hats and t-shirts or those just vocally supporting the president during their tirade have cropped up in news stories at an alarming rate. For Kinsey, fortunately, the incident ended without any physical harm.

‘I told him I need to go talk to my owner. Then my owner talked to, yelled more so, with the gentleman and eventually he left.’

Those opposed to wearing masks need to remember that employees are not responsible for creating laws, because they are apparently unaware. Employees of restaurants and retail outlets are often simply doing their job to make enough money to barely survive. As Kinsey noted, he’s just a kid trying to work to pay for college.

‘I just graduated high school. I’m working a minimum wage job just to save up for college and then I’ve got to tell this dude to wear a mask because that’s what I’m required to do by law and he’s going to shoot me because of that. It just doesn’t make sense to me.’

Featured image screenshot via video