GOP Voting Veterans Defect & Release Anti-Trump Message To America


The coalition against Donald Trump is continuing to grow ahead of November. On Wednesday, the group Republican Voters Against Trump unveiled a new video ad featuring snippets of personal testimonials from 15 Republican veterans who are all united in their harsh criticism of Trump. As one put it, Trump “doesn’t care about the Constitution; he only cares about himself,” and that’s one of the reasons that this particular group of Republican voters — along with others — have come out against Trump and in support of Biden.

Check out the ad below:

As was also referenced in the ad by one of the veterans, Trump has repeatedly denigrated the people who have actually served the United States. Some of the examples of that behavior on the president’s part have been infamous — for instance, Trump has criticized the late Senator John McCain, who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam; he has harassed the Khans, a high-profile couple who lost their son in the war in Iraq; and he’s even drawn criticism for being stunningly insensitive when speaking with a widow whose husband had recently been killed overseas while serving in the U.S. military. Cowanda Jones-Johnson, the mother of the soldier who’d passed away, the late Sgt. La David Johnson, confirmed to the media that “President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband.”

Besides the group Republican Voters Against Trump, another anti-Trump Republican group known as The Lincoln Project has also unveiled a steady stream of hard-hitting video ads featuring harsh condemnations for Trump and his political allies. Lately, they’ve been presenting the message that this November, the choice will be “America or Trump.” After all, Trump’s lies and incompetence put American lives at risk over and over, like amidst the White House’s total failure of a response to the Coronavirus pandemic, which has now killed well over 150,000 Americans.