Jason Miller Face-Plants Hard During ‘ABC Sunday’ Disaster Appearance


Top Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller is clearly not a serious person. During an appearance on ABC’s This Week on Sunday morning, he ranted about how Democrats supposedly hadn’t even been trying to handle the funding issues at the Postal Service until recently — but about three months ago, the Democrat-led House actually approved a full $25 billion in emergency funding for the Postal Service. That money was part of the HEROES Act, which was the latest Coronavirus-connected economic relief package from the House and which the Republican-led Senate has adamantly refused to even take up for consideration in the time since.

Also — Miller complained that the Democrat-led House is currently on recess… but so is the Republican-led Senate! His points are so easily answerable; it’s staggering. Maybe he was hoping that he simply wouldn’t get even the most basic level of scrutiny. Miller ranted:

‘I think it’s a little disingenuous for Bernie and the rest of the Democrats to be making so much noise on this. They weren’t trying to do it in February, or March, or April, or May — and this is something that’s only popping up now. I think what really is going on here is they’re trying to change the rules and trying to institute something that normally takes five to ten years to put in place and rush it through in only five to ten weeks.’

Again — Miller is clearly not a serious person. He seems to be suggesting that states need more time to appropriately implement increased levels of mail-in voting: well, besides the fact that mail-in voting is already used at high rates across the country, mail-in voting might be able to be handled more effectively if the Postal Service got the money that Miller seems to forget that the Democrat-led House approved. Really — it’s not that complicated. Democrats are also advocating for financial support for state and local governments that would help with the effective handling of elections.

As host George Stephanopoulos put it to Miller:

‘The Democrats did take action earlier in the spring. The House passed a $25 billion emergency funding bill for the Postal Service, and it’s not just the Democrats who are raising concerns about this right now — [it’s also] Mitt Romney, who was the nominee for the Republican Party in 2012.’

As Stephanopoulos subsequently showed, Rommey has pointed out that he knows of no evidence suggesting some kind of potential for widespread fraud amidst mail-in voting. In fact, he noted, if there are issues, then there’s an easy way to check on those and deal accordingly, since the “paper trail” of the mail-in ballot will exist.

Miller, of course, wasn’t convinced — he suggested that Democrats are just trying to make it easier for themselves to win elections, but there is zero evidence for this nonsensical conspiracy theory about some supposed Democratic conspiracy against elections.

Watch below:

In an ongoing court case in Pennsylvania, the Trump campaign had recently been demanded to file any evidence that they had of potential election fraud in the state. They don’t seem to have filed anything.